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Episode Gallery Transcript

"We have to get the Why to stop!"Ones
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"You can't just sing any old thing!"S
This episode contains a song and its page has its lyrics. If you know how it goes, you can sing along!
Note: The lyrics are sometimes on the transcript to prevent browser crashes.

But I’d like to be heard at the end of the word, am I trying to be something, I’m not.

— Y

Why is the fourth episode of the first series of Alphablocks.


Young Y wants to know why he can't sing with the vowels.


The vowels, A, E, I, O, and U, sing in harmony, until Y shows up. E says this group is vowels only. Shy Y sings about his desire to be a vowel.

Why... can't I be more like U?
I... I just don't know what to do.
O, E, A, they all know what to say.
But I'm much too shy to even try...

Yes, I'm okay at the start
Of "yellow", "yo-yo", or "yacht"
But I'd like to be heard at the end of a word
And I'm trying to be something I'm not

T and R appear to tell Y that all he has to do is tr... but they need a vowel. The five vowels show up.

/t/-/ɹ/-/æ/, TRA!

/t/-/ɹ/-/ɛ/, TRE!

/t/-/ɹ/-/ɒ/, TRO!

It doesn't work. I and U refuse to help them, but Y can do it.

/t/-/ɹ/-/aɪ/, TRY!

Y becomes striped like the vowels, much to their surprise.

/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/ I can do it!
/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/, not too shy!
/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/, I'm so happy I could cry!
I feel like I could fly, up into the...
I: I get the idea!

The episode ends when Y sings harmonically with the vowels.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]

  • A
  • E
  • I
  • O
  • U
  • Y
  • H (fantasy and real)
  • G (fantasy)
  • W (fantasy)
  • N (fantasy)
  • P (fantasy)
  • T (fantasy and real)
  • L (fantasy and real)
  • C (fantasy and real)
  • F (fantasy and real)
  • R
  • S
  • K


  • LL (fantasy)
  • OW (fantasy)
  • SH


  • hug (fantasy)
  • win (fantasy)
  • pot (fantasy)
  • pet (fantasy)
  • pat (fantasy)
  • yellow (fantasy)
  • yacht (fantasy)
  • tra (nonsense word)
  • tre (nonsense word)
  • tro (nonsense word)
  • try
  • shy (stealth word)
  • cry (stealth word)
  • fly (stealth word)
  • sky (stealth word)


  • Song: Why?
  • Consonants C, F, G, H, K, L, N, P, R, S, T and W make a cameo in this episode. Some were only shown in the dream.
  • A, E, I, O, and U's pajamas used in Lips look like the outfits they wore in this episode, sans the hats.
  • E's only spoken line is "Sorry, this group is vowels only."
  • U's only spoken line is "Uh? U called?"
  • A's line is only her sound. It was heard 3 times.
  • This was the first episode in series order where a nonsense word is sounded out. It was done three times, that being "tra", "tre", and "tro".
  • If the vowels were in rainbow order, they would be E-O-Y-A-U-I.
  • Y can also make an "ee" (/i/ as in "shiny") or "i" (/ɪ/ as in "symbol") sound. This implies that the Y is a semi-vowel.
  • The character "I" had refused to make a nonsense word because if she did, they would've spelled "tri" (a prefix for "three" which is also a homophone of "try").


  • CHT should've been connected in the fantasy where yacht was shown

Nonsense Words[]


  • "Definition of tra-la. —used to suggest gaiety, lightheartedness, or playful derision especially in song."
  • It also means "between" in Italian.


  • "Definition of tre corde. : with soft pedal released —used as a direction in piano music at the close of a passage una corda."
  • Tre means "town" in Welsh, and "three" in several other languages (including Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish).


  • The word for "turn" in Welsh.
  • Also the word for "believe" in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish.

