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"We have to get the Twenty-Two to stop!"Ones
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I am two elevens!

— Twenty-Two, Issue 12

Twenty-Two, or 22, is a Numberblock made of 22 blocks. He is voiced by David Holt.


Twenty-Two has twenty apricot blocks with orange borders, and two orange blocks, he has two eyes, one is blue and large, and the other is red and small. He additionally has limbs that are red and blue, the legs have sneakers with socks. As seen in How Many Sleeps Till Christmas?, on the back of his twenty-blocks, a "20+2" sign can be seen on the top and a big "22" sign on the bottom.

His new design has larger pupils.


Twenty-Two is a Numberblock who loves football, and this shows best in a particular ability he has: he can split into two Elevens, one red and one blue, who then can function as two sports teams, able to either play against each other or split into Ones to have an entire football match. Football requires a nice team to work with, and Twenty-Two is a great fit.

Twenty-Two is a friendly Numberblock, seeming to enjoy being around his friends. He happily indulges in his friends' interests, such as by going to Ten's gym in How Rectangly. This care also extends to him wanting to see the success of his friends, as he had come along when Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four wanted to figure themselves out in the same episode. Twenty-Two also validates his friends' ideas, as he showed how his own experiences matched up with Twenty-One's suggestion to help the two figure themselves out.

Twenty-Two is also a very simple-minded Numberblock. He didn't feel the need to take too much time exploring many details about himself, instead figuring himself out based on the first thing he found out about himself in Twenty-One and On. Even after this, his interests continue to stay very basic, as he tends to focus specifically on football, especially in regards to him being able to split into two Elevens. Overall, Twenty-Two is shown to have a very carefree nature.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 9 (7 figured-out, 3 compound) + 2 pictured (figured-out)

He has appeared in 7.4% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.


Twenty-Two is two football teams. Other than his "Two Tens and Two" forms, he has only made vertically symmetrical arrangements, allowing him to split into two Elevens from the middle.

2D (17/345,532,572,678)

Figured-Out (10)
Compound Only (1)
Faceless (6)



  • Twenty-Two resembles Eleven, obviously because Eleven is a football team, so Twenty-Two is an entire football game (2 teams).
    • Though 11 is 1 team and 22 is 2 teams, it may not be likely for Thirty-Three to be 3 teams, since 2 teams is the maximum amount of teams required for an entire football game.
  • He, Eleven and Fifty-Five are currently the only members of the League of Elevens club.
  • Starting from How Rectangly!, he gets a slight redesign, where his pupils are bigger.
  • He and Eleven are so far the only characters to have different sized eyes. Fifty-Five, despite being a repdigit, does not share this attribute.
  • As shown in How Many Sleeps Till Christmas?, he has a writing on his back "20+2=22", similar to Eleven in her debut episode.
  • Because Twenty-Two has had a slight redesign in Series 5, some have speculated this came to be because his rig was accidentally deleted, which may also explain his absence in More To Explore.


  • Twenty-Two is the smallest composite number to not be in the times tables (up to 10)
    • The UK requires children to learn the times tables up to 12, which if so Twenty-Six will be the smallest not to be in the tables. However, the Numberblocks times tables episodes only go up to ten, there is even a popular 15x15 times tables grid, which goes up more than double the 10x10 grid, there is no law on the 15x15 grid in the UK but, if they decide to go up to 15x15, there will be no composite figured-out number who isn't in the grid (because the first is 34).
  • Twenty-Two is also the smallest composite repdigit.
  • As of now, all Numberblocks who are multiples of eleven have no eyebrows.
    • Also, all multiples of eleven (except 55) have shorts.
  • He has Eye Asymmetry like Eleven, as one eye is bigger than the other.
  • He is the only male block to have eye asymmetry.
  • He is the fifth Numberblock to be the same gender of both their digits after 10, 11, 15, and 16.
    • He is also the first of them to be male.