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"We have to get the Twenty-Three to stop!"Ones
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I’m happy being me!

— Twenty-Three

Twenty-Three, or 23, is a Numberblock made up of 23 blocks. He is voiced by Marcel McCalla.


Twenty-Three has 20 apricot blocks with orange borders and 3 yellow blocks. He has indigo eyebrows and eyes, and orange-peach lips. His limbs are a gradient from red to a pale pink.


Twenty-Three has a pretty simple personality: He is just happy being himself, often saying "I'm happy being me". He's calm, friendly, laid-back, and positive. As a compound they never felt the need to figure themself out that quickly, instead letting Twenty-One explore more new locations first (as seen in Twenty-One and On). In How Rectangly!, he didn't mind not being able to make any rectangular arrays besides his prime positions, instead enjoying the whole experience. Although in Series 5 it is confirmed he likes being prime.


Total number of appearances: 8 (5 figured-out, 4 compound) + 2 pictured (figured-out)

He has appeared in 6.7% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.


Twenty-Three is happy being two tens and three. That is his only (figured-out) arrangement seen in the show. (The others are from apps, magazines, and exclusive clips.)

2D (28/1,344,372,335,524)

Figured-Out (9)
Compound Only (19)


  • Twenty-Three is the first prime number greater than 20 to be figured out.
  • Twenty-Three is the 9th prime number, and the only prime Numberblock to be figured-out in the first half of Series 5.
  • As of Series 6, Twenty-Three is the only Numberblock not being a multiple of ten who has only been seen as their "X tens and Y" form. (meaning a multiple of ten arranged in columns of ten blocks on the left, then the units digit on the right)
    • Twenty-Three has been seen in different arrangements, but only in apps.
  • He is the second three ender to be male, the first being Thirteen.
    • Both are also voiced by Marcel McCalla.
  • He is good friends with Twenty-Nine.
    • Once again, both are also voiced by Marcel McCalla.
  • Twenty-Three was almost the third character figured out in Twenty-One and On. However, he was not figured out until How Rectangly!, most likely due to the short length of episodes.
  • Twenty-Three is the first Numberblock to have the 'small face'. The second is Twenty-Nine, probably because 23 and 29 are prime numbers and are also good friends, and both are voiced by Marcel McCalla.
  • The Numberblocks Twitter replied to a user's comment on every female character in Numberblocks saying that Twenty-Three identifies as female. This was later to be revealed as a mistake, and the intended Numberblock was meant to be Twenty-Four.