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"We have to get the Twenty-Seven to stop!"Ones
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I’m Twenty-Seven, and I’m a cube!, Three, by three, by three, WHEE!!!

— Twenty-Seven, Making Patterns

Twenty-Seven, or 27, is a Numberblock made up of 27 blocks.

She is voiced by Emma Tate.


Twenty-Seven has 20 apricot blocks with orange borders and 7 blocks each being a colour of the rainbow. She has black eyes and purple limbs with a pink mouth.

When in a cube arrangement, the red block is usually at the top, the orange is at the left side, the yellow is at the front, the green is at the back, the blue/cyan is at the right, the indigo is at the bottom, and the violet block is at the center.

Starting with Now in 3D, after having been thrown onto the Dimension-ator's controls by Octonaughty, Twenty-Seven now wears a purple mask with a yellow cube symbol above to symbolise she's a cube number. When she's not in a cube shape, she doesn't always have her mask on.


Twenty-Seven is a 3 by 3 by 3 cube, she can split into The Three Nines or The Three Three Threes (Nine Threes) when she is a super cube. She is seen to be brave, and strives to help her friends in need. Octonaughty has a particular dislike for her.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 11 (10 figured-out, 2 compound)

She has appeared in 7.4% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.


Twenty-Seven is a Super Cube! She is the smallest Numberblock whose main arrangement is three-dimensional.

2D (9/313,224,032,098,244)

Figured-Out (7)
Compound Only (2)

3D (2)


Has its own page.


  • 27 is 3 cubed, and the 3rd figured-out cube number to be introduced in the series, the first two being One and Eight.
    • She's also the 2nd cube numberblock to be female, the previous being One.
  • She is the third Numberblock to be a superhero, and the first female superhero.
  • Twenty-Seven is the first multiple of 9 who is female, with the second being 45.
  • Only counting her main arrangement (3x3x3), she is the shortest of all Numberblocks above Ten in terms of height, while the longest in terms of depth.
  • She is the third power of 3, and the first to be female.
  • 27 has the same face style and size as 23 and 29, but without the eyebrows.
    • This means 27's face is fit in a 1x1 square when she has her mask off.
  • The way the one blocks are arranged in her default arrangement heavily correlates to the dots on a die.
  • She is one of the few Numberblocks to have permanent design changes (of their figured-out forms). The others are Two, Five and Seven.
  • She's one of the Numberblocks to wear an outfit by default.
  • She is the second character based off of her tetration, the first is Four.
  • She is one of the few Numberblocks to be the opposite gender of both their digits, after 13, 24, 28, 31, 35, 36, 48, 49, 55, 63 and 72.
  • She is the second Numberblock to be of a different gender in an international dub (In this case the Spanish dub). The first one was Eleven. Twenty-Five does not count because on her figured-out debut she was female.
  • She’s the only Numberblock in the Nine Times Table to have round eyes, since she doesn’t fit in the category of being a square or being a Super Rectangle, as she is a cube, and currently the only cube in the Nine Times Table.
  • She is the second Numberblock to be arranged in a 3-Dimensional shape.
  • Twenty-Seven is the only 7-ender Numberblock to be composite, be the opposite gender of the other two 7-enders, and to make more than two rectangles.
    • All Numberblocks whose last digit is 7 have no eyebrows.