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"We have to get the Twenty-Nine to stop!"Ones
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I'm Twenty-Nine, and I love clubs, being in them, and making up new ones!

— Twenty-Nine, Club Picnic

Twenty-Nine, or 29, is a Numberblock made up of 29 blocks.


Twenty-Nine has 20 apricot blocks with orange borders, and 9 blocks in 3 different shades of grey. He has a orange-peach lips and grey eyebrows and eyes, he has bluish grey arms that transitions into a light grey colour. He also wears five club badges.


Twenty-Nine enjoys creating new clubs for other Numberblocks to join; he even designs a membership badge for each club.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 3 (2 figured-out, 2 compound) + 1 pattern printed

He has appeared in 2.7% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.



2D (10/4,820,975,409,710,116)

Figured-Out (9)
Compound Only (1)

3D (1)


  • Twenty-Nine has only appeared in four episodes: As a compound in The Big One, since it's about counting to 100; As a pattern print in Making Patterns, along with the other twenties; Figured-out in Club Picnic; and multiple times in Figure It Out.
    • Only two of those appearances have 29 in his figured-out form.
    • If you don't count the pattern print, he has only appeared in 3 episodes.
  • The TV guide for Club Picnic confirms that Twenty-Nine is male from his episode description.
  • Twenty-Nine is the second Numberblock to have the ‘small face’, the first being Twenty-Three, due to both of them being prime numbers.
  • Twenty-Nine shares a trait with Nineteen: Both numbers are either one block missing or one block too many when arranged in rows of two through six.
    • This property is shared among all numbers in the form 30n+1, 30n+11, 30n+19 and 30n+29 (where n is an integer)
    • Twenty-Nine is also a one-off when divided by 7.
    • Both numbers have the number 9 as their units digit.
    • 19 is one off when divided by any of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 18. Twenty-Nine is one off when divided by any of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 and 15. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 are the common "one-off divisors".
  • Twenty-Nine is the 10th prime number, and is also a member of the twin prime pair {29, 31}.
  • A lot of fanmade 29s have bunny-like features or prime step squads, possibly because Feb 29th is a leap day.
  • His badges are (only counting ones that are seen on him): The Twenties badge, the Nine-ending badge, the Prime badge, the Made of Ones badge, and the Odd badge.
  • Twenty-Nine is the second male Numberblock who speaks in a Scottish accent, the first one is Fourteen.
  • According to his fact file, his favourite thing is a sketchpad. He has never been seen using a sketchpad, however. He probably uses it to think of new clubs.
  • He tends to move his face to either the bottom or top of his body. Even when compound, he displayed this behavior.
  • He is the second nine-ender to be also in the prime club, the first is Nineteen. He is also the second nine-ender to be male.
  • He is one of the Numberblocks to be the same gender of both his digits, after 10, 11, 15, 16 and 22, and before 30, 42, 50, and 56.