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"We have to get the Twenty-Eight to stop!"Ones
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I'm a pattern pioneer!

— Twenty-Eight, Making Patterns

Twenty-Eight, or 28, is a Numberblock made up of 28 blocks. She is voiced by Teresa Gallagher.


Twenty-Eight has 20 apricot blocks with orange borders and 8 magenta blocks. She wears a rainbow Step-Squad mask because she is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7. She also has peach lips, rainbow-coloured arms, red yoga shorts, apricot/pink boots, she has an Array Display, making her the 5th super rectangle.


Twenty-Eight is a pattern pioneer who can make lots of patterns as seen in Making Patterns and Four on the Floor. She is also the seventh step squad and a super rectangle.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 12 (11 figured-out, 3 compound)

She has appeared in 8.1% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.


Pattern pioneer Twenty-Eight has her "tower with windows" arrangement as her main one, but she often appears as 4x7 or a step shape.

2D (20/1,228,088,671,826,973)

Figured-Out (14)
Compound Only (3)
Faceless (3)


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  • She is the 2nd multiple of 7 to be female and the 7th Step Squad.
  • In terms of numerical order, Twenty-Eight is the first Numberblock to have rainbow limbs, the second being Seventy.
    • Going by series order, she is the second.
  • She is the first Super-Rectangle to not have eyebrows.
  • She is the first Super-Rectangle whose main arrangement isn't a rectangle, with the second being Forty-Two, the third being Forty-Five, and the fourth being Fifty-Six. Despite this, Twenty-Eight rarely appears in this arrangement, only appearing in it in Making Patterns, Club Picnic, Four on the Floor, 100 Ways to Leave the Planet, Friendly Fours' Beach Day, and The Rainbow Makers.
    • This is likely for education purposes; Twenty-Eight's arrangement simply isn't feasible to teach students anything math-related.
    • She is also the first Numberblock whose main arrangement contains a "hole".
    • She is also the smallest Numberblock so far to have a main arrangement that's more than 10 blocks tall.
    • She is the fifth composite Numberblock where her main arrangement is vertical or non-rectangular, the first four are Ten, Fifteen, Twenty-Two and Twenty-Six.
  • While her shorts are subtle compared to most other Super-Rectangles if you look very closely, her shorts are red and above her boots.
  • She is the first of two Super-Rectangles to have silver rectangles instead of golden rectangles for eyes. The other is Forty-Five. This is probably because they are both step squads and long stepmasks would look weird.
  • She is the smallest Numberblock to have not appeared in any of the specials so far.
  • She has the second tallest main arrangement out of all the Numberblocks; her tower with windows shape is eleven blocks tall. That tallest so far is Fifty-Five.
  • She is one of the few Numberblocks to be the opposite gender of both their digits, after 13, 24, 27, 31, 35, 36, 48, 49, 55, 63 and 72.
  • She sounds like Q from Alphablocks, because both are voiced by Teresa Gallagher.
  • Twenty-Eight is the only super rectangle to be a perfect number as well.
  • She and Seventy are the only Numberblocks from the Seven Times Table to have rainbow limbs.
  • She is quite similar to Nineteen;
    • Both are female.
    • Both make shapes without neat straight lines.
    • Their main arrangements aren't rectangular.
    • Both can make a cross shape.