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"We have to get the Thirty-One to stop!"Ones
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I am Thirty-One and I love calendars!

— Thirty-One, Figure It Out

Thirty-One, or 31, is a Numberblock made up of 31 blocks.


Thirty-One has 30 bright yellow blocks with yellow borders, and 1 red block. He has maroon eyes, eyebrows, and limbs. He also has the red top and metal hooks of a calendar on his head.


Currently, not much is known about Thirty-One, other than the fact that he loves calendars.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 3 (1 figured-out, 1 image, 2 compound)

He has appeared in 2% of Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover specials.


Thirty-One's main arrangement his calendar arrangement, and it is his only (figured-out) 2D arrangement seen in the show. (The others are from apps and magazines)

2D (20/74,541,651,404,935,148)

Figured-Out (4)
Compound Only (14)
Pattern Wall Only (2)

3D (1)


  • He is the first male Numberblock whose Numberling ends with a 1. The second is Eighty-One.
    • He is also the only male Numberblock figured-out onscreen with a compound counterpart made of females.
  • He is the second Numberblock to be male, but made from females, the first being Thirteen.
  • His calendar rings disappear when he's not in his calendar arrangement, as seen in the Numberblocks World app.
  • He is the first Numberblock in the 30s to be figured out.
    • He is also the first Numberblock in the 30s with the opposite gender of both his digits.
    • He is the first male Numberblock figured out in the 30s.
  • He is the sixth male prime number, and the eleventh prime number overall.
  • Thirty-One shares his face style with Twenty-Three and Twenty-Nine, because they are all male primes.
  • He has the least physical appearances out of all the Numberblocks, with only one episode. It's unknown if he'll appear again.
  • For now, he is the last prime Numberblock figured out.
    • He is also the largest prime numberblocks to be figured out.
  • He shares similarities to Thirteen:
    • Both are prime numbers, which they only have two factors.
    • Both are male characters, but the numbers who made them are female.
    • They both have eyebrows albeit different styles.
    • Both have characters "3" and "1."
  • He is one of the few Numberblocks to be the opposite gender of both their digits, after 13, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 48, 49, 55, 63 and 72.
  • He is the first Numberblock whose main arrangement's width is longer than its height. The second is Forty-Eight.
  • He is the smallest Numberblock greater than Thirty to have circular eyes.
  • Even as a compound in his debut, Thirty-One has made the widest arrangement out of any Numberblock (horizontal 31x1).