"We have to get the The Numberblocks Express to stop!" — Ones
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The Numberblocks Express is the third episode of the third series of Number blocks . It is the 33rd episode overall.
Synopsis [ ]
Five is driving the Numberblocks Express Train, but slips off the train .
Plot [ ]
Five is driving the Numberblocks Express Train. She stops at Platform 1, but sees no one getting on. She pulls the gas lever, but slips off the train and separates into five Ones.
The five Ones hop on top of the train and decide they should stop the train by adding one up to Five.
1 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5
But the train's smoke makes her subtract one by one.
5 - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1
The five Ones slip right off. Now, they have to stop the train by adding up to Five in twos.
1 + 2 = 3 + 2 = 5
Just when she's about to reach the lever, a stack of two crates caused her to subtract two by two.
5 - 2 = 3 - 2 = 1
Now, the Numberblocks have to stop the train by adding three. When they become Four, they enter a tunnel.
4 - 3 = 1
Three dashes to the tunnel and jumps on Two to become Five. But then sees another tunnel.
5 - 3 = 2
They then split into five Ones and now they have to add four.
1 + 4 = 5
Five sees a crane going to pick her up.
5 - 4 = 1
But it removes one of her blocks. Four and One split into five Ones again, and then add up to Five. She then sees a dead end. She has to try again to stop the train. She successfully pulls the brake lever by arranging into 4+1R and the train stops before it smashed them, much to her cheer.
Characters [ ]
Lyrics [ ]
I am Five, I feel alive
Whenever I can drive my train
Only Five, no more, no less
Can drive the Numberblocks Express,
Woo hoo!
No one getting on the train,
Let's be on our way again,
Woo hoo!
We have to get the train to stop,
So hop hop hop hop hop on top.
Only 5 can stop the train,
So how do we make 5 again?
Only 5 no more no less,
Can stop the Numberblocks Express,
Woo hoo!
I think I know what must be done!
Let's stop the train by adding 1!
Only 5 can stop the train,
And I am back to 5 again!
Can you help us pretty please?
We need to get back on the wheee!!!!
Only 5 can stop the train,
So how do we make 5 again?
Only 5 no more no less,
Can stop the Numberblocks Express,
We know what we have to do!
Stop the train by adding 2!
Only I can stop the train,
So I am back to try again!
Ouch, ow!! Come on twos,
Time to act like kangaroos!
Hop, hop, hop, hop!
Only 5 can stop the train,
So how do we make 5 again?
Ok friends leave this to me!
I'll stop the train by adding 3!
Hop, hop, hop, on top!
What does that mean I'm not quite sure
I don't think I've seen that before (4)...
Only I can stop the train,
And I am back to 5...!!!
Only 5 can stop the train,
So how do we make 5 again?
I am square, hear me roar!
Let's stop the train by adding 4!
Only I can stop the train,
So here I am to try again
Only 5 no more no less
Can stop the Numberblocks Express,
Woo hoo!
Only 5 can stop the train
So how do we make 5 again?
Only 5 can stop the train,
So here I am to try again... aagh!!!
Oh no, now we're in a mess,
Stop the Numberblocks Express!!!!
High five! Success!
I stopped the Numberblocks Express!
Math Magic [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Five is the main character of this episode. This is the first time Five is arranged 4+1R.
The ground changes colours depending on the number they are adding.
This is the second episode of Series 3 to only feature Numberblocks One to Five.
Goofs [ ]
After the Two Twos become Ones, in the next scene they're shown on the ground instead of the platform.
Video [ ]
@Numberblocks- The Numberblocks Express 🚂 - Full Episode - Learn to Count
Series 1
High Five!
One , Another One , Two , Three , One, Two, Three! , Four , Five , Three Little Pigs , Off We Go , How to Count , Stampolines , The Whole of Me , The Terrible Twos , Holes , Hide and Seek
Series 2
Ten out of Ten
Six , Seven , Eight , Nine , Ten , Just Add One , Blast Off , Counting Sheep , Double Trouble , The Three Threes , Odds and Evens , Fluffies , The Two Tree , Numberblock Castle , Ten Green Bottles
Series 3
Number Fun
Once Upon A Time , Blockzilla , The Numberblocks Express , Fruit Salad , Zero , Now We Are Six to Ten , Numberblobs , Building Blocks , Peekaboo! , Hiccups , What's the Difference? , Numberblock Rally , Five and Friends , Octoblock to the Rescue! , Ten Again
Fifteen and Friends
Flatland , Pattern Palace , The Legend of Big Tum , Mirror, Mirror , The Wrong Number , Eleven , Twelve , The Way of the Rectangle , Ride the Rays , Block Star , Thirteen , Fourteen , Fifteen , Tween Scenes , Step Squads
Series 4
Series 4a
Fifteen's Minute of Fame , On Your Head , Ten's Place , Balancing Bridge , Sixteen , Square Club , Seventeen , Eighteen , Loop the Loop , Nineteen , Twenty , Tall Stories , Flights of Fancy , I Can Count to Twenty , Heist
Series 4b
Sign of the Times , Fun Times Fair , The Lair of Shares , Terrible Twosday , Divide and Drive , Twenty-One and On , We're Going on a Square Hunt , Thirty's Big Top , Land of the Giants , Fifty , Sixty's High Score , The Big One , One Hundred , One Thousand and One , More To Explore
Series 5
Series 5a
Your Turn , Now You See Us , Ten's Top Ten , What's My Number? , Fun Times One Times Table , The Many Friends of Twenty , Ten Vaulting , Twoland , Two Times Shoe Shop , Odd Side Story , How Rectangly! , Rectangle Racers , The Team Factor , Hidden Talents , Making Patterns
Series 5b
Now in 3D , Club Picnic , Too Many Threes , Circus of Threes , Figure It Out , Snow Day Doubles , Steps Versus Squares , Puzzle Square , Four on the Floor , Sky High Fives , One Giant Step Squad , Square on the Moon , Heroes With Zeroes , What If? , 100 Ways to Leave the Planet
Series 6
Series 6
Painting by Numbers , Leap Blob , Ice and Dice , Go Go Domino , Ten in the Bed , Shape Party , Can We Have Our Ball Back? , Cuboid Castle , On My Way to Numberblock Fair , Octoblock and the Path of Justice , Five's Handy Shop , As Tall as the Sun , Feeding Time , Rockets and Rekenreks , The Pattern of Patterns
Series 7
Series 7
Grid Unlocked , Friendly Fours' Beach Day , All-Star Line-Up , Rescue Racers , The Rolling Sixes , Remix the Sixes , Grid Games Galore , The Rainbow Makers , Sail the Seven Seas , We Need Another Hero , Super Eights Assemble , Seventy-Two's Super Surprise , The Magical Nines , Nine's Time to Shine , Space Division
The Treasure of Hexagon Island , Double Back , About Time , The Twelve Days of Christmas
Alphablocks and Numberblocks
Making Friends , Crossover , The Case of the Missing Blocks , The Blocks v Blocks Games
Numberblocks Theme Song , Easter Egg Hunt , Numberblobs Count to 100 , Numberblocks Live Lesson , Numberblocks Dance Routine , Numberblocks Day , Fourth Wall Breaks
Series 1
High Five!
One Wonderful World , Everything Is Better with Two , Number Three is Here , I'm Four , High Five! , The Whole of Me
Series 2
Ten out of Ten
That's How I Roll , Lucky Number Seven , Octoblock , That's Why You're Square Like Me , I'm a Ten Block , One Little Sheep , Just Add One , Ten Green Bottles
Series 3
Number Fun
The Numberblocks Express , You've Got Zero , Numberblobs and Me , Peekaboo! , What's the Difference? , High Five (reprise) , Ten Again
Fifteen and Friends
Eleven On Our Side , Arrays Away! , Unlucky Number Thirteen , I Wanna Be a Skater , The Super Special Secret Step Squad
Series 4
Series 4a
I Am Sixteen , The Square Club Motto , I Paint Seventeen , Born to Ride the Rays , Crazy Shapes , The Two Tens Tango , I Can Count to Twenty
Series 4b
Fifty , I'm Big , More To Explore
Series 5
Series 5a
One Little Block , One and One is Two , One, Two... Three! , Square, Square , Five Ways To Make Five , Numberbonds to Six , Ride the Rainbow Way , Octoblocks Assemble! , Nine's Chance to Shine , Ten's Top Ten , Fun Times One Times Table , Two Times Shoe Shop
Series 5b
The Roaring Twenties , Circus of Threes , Figure It Out , Four on the Floor , Sky High Fives , Heroes With Zeroes , What If?
Series 6
Series 6
Ten in the Bed , On My Way to Numberblock Fair , The Pattern of Patterns
Series 7
Series 7
Four, Eight, Twelve, Sixteen, Twenty! , Rainbow, Flower, Sunshine! , Remix the Sixes , The Rainbow’s End , The Super Eights Are Supreme , Nine's Time to Shine
Magic Mirrors , Put Our Heads Together , A Second , The Small Hand Song , The Big Hand Song , A Minute , About Time: Reprise , The Twelve Days of Christmas , We're Not the Same , How Many Letters in the Alphabet? , Little Blocks Who Love to Learn , How This Story Ends
Theme Song , Days of Spring , Five Little Boats , Five Little Speckled Frogs , Scoop A Scoop , Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! , Who Has More? , Let's Draw Numbers , Counting Cars , Hen House Hop , How Many Passengers? , How Many Sleeps 'til Christmas? , The Octoblock Song , Seven Little Ducks , Happy Birthday To You!