Numberblocks Wiki
Character Gallery Fanmades Quotes

"How many plots connecting to the show are on your head?"Zero
This is not canon to any part of the show and is its own part.

Only appeared in a Twitter post, NOT the real show. Ambiguous canon however due to More to Explore.

This page was last edited on April 11, 2024 at 6:43 PM.

Screenshot 2023-01-27 8.46.00 AM

"Who are you?"Yellow
This character's gender has not been confirmed. Please use they/them and/or it/its pronouns for this character until the gender is confirmed in Learningblocks or by BlueZoo.

Pi, or π, is a semi-official Numberblock who is made of about 3.14 blocks.


In their drawing, they are circular with four quadrant-circular blocks. They have dark green eyebrows, that look like Four's, except the right eyebrow is a (π-2)x1 rectangle instead of a 2x1 one. Their blocks are pale yellow and their limbs and lips are dark green with a bucktooth.


Fanmade Gallery[]

Has its own page.



  • They are the only character to be made out of non-full blocks.
  • They never appear in episodes, only in a Pi Day tweet.
    • Pi Day is held on March 14 (3/14).
  • Pi was referenced in More to Explore.
    • The actual reference is Three, One and Four (3.14) standing next to a pie.
    • Pi was also seen for a frame during the "count to One Million" segment[1], along with a lot of other mathematical constants (the golden ratio, √2, euler's constant, the powers of 2, etc.)
    • There was also a painting in the art gallery scene containing 10 right-facing chevrons split up into groups of 3, 1, 4 and 2. There's also a circular pattern after the first group of chevrons, indicating that Pi rounded to 3 decimal places is 3.142.
    • Later, Making Friends gave us this gem: “perhaps I could perch upon you!” which spells out their name in a stealth word. Other characters in the same scene make remarks alluding to Pi being an irrational number which begins with 3.
  • Pi and Forty-Two are the only characters who don't appear in any episode but already have an official, supposedly figured-out appearance.


  • Pi to 209 decimal places is:
    • 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841916939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706799821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819412881097.


  1. Pi reference in More to Explore Counting to a million

