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Episode Gallery Transcript

"We have to get the Surprise to stop!"Ones
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Surprise is the seventeenth episode of the first series of Alphablocks.


P, A, R and Y plan a surprise for T - but first they must get out of a trap!


Starting off the episode, T takes a stroll through Alphaland while humming a cheerful tune. Then Y follows T and asks him why he’s so happy. T’s about to tell him, but P interrupts him when she pops in with a pineapple that she was about to bring for T. Until she spots T, and immediately pops away, and pops back. Just then R comes (with a balloon) telling everyone if they’re ready for a certain event. But then T questions R, and she immediately stops talking while losing the balloon. Then A falls down with a party hat and questions if she was late for the surprise, which T questions. A quickly hides the hat. T, R, A, and P then hold hands.

t-r-a-p, TRAP!

A was confused what a trap means until T, R, A, and P fall in a trap door. Y however, "cheers" that they found the trap. They now have to find a way to get out of the trap.

What will they do?[]

Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.


  • PAT* - P, A, and T are patting.
  • RAP* - R, A, and P start rapping.
  • RAT - A rat appears and digs a tunnel. Unfortunately, it’s too small for anyone to fit.
  • TAP - A faucet appears, and T has the idea of using the tap for a tea party. However, the tap was already broken.
  • TAR* - Tar appears and T, A, and R get stuck in it.
  • ART (star word) - A paintbrush appears and starts "painting" and creating various colorful bricks on the wall, but it seemed no use for them.

However, just as T touches a painting, it tips over in real life, so the Alphablocks used the art blocks to climb back to the top. This causes the hole to reform back into what was part of the ground.

Once they reached to surface, Y cheers. He then tells T to close his eyes. Once he did that, the Alphablocks held hands and spelt out the mysterious word.

p-ar-t-y, PARTY!

Just then a party is made, along with O, D, and H who also appear. It turns out, they were all planning a Surprise Party for T, however, it wasn’t just any party, it was revealed to be a Tea Party. T is enjoyed that he gets his original party.



  • AR


  • Trap
  • Rat
  • Tap
  • Pat (game only)
  • Rap (game only)
  • Tar (game only)
  • Art
  • Party

Unusual Words[]

  • PAR


  • B, C, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, M, N, Q, S, U, V, W, X, and Z are absent in this episode.
  • D, H, and O make a minor appearance in this episode.
  • A and O are the only 2 vowels that appear in this episode.
  • This is Y's fourth time as a vowel, after Why, Key (digraph EY), and Surprise.
  • P could’ve teleported out of the hole, but either chose not to or couldn’t remember that she can teleport.


Has its own page.
