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“ | What a day... for little me, at last I can rest my head. Forget all my worries, and set my mind free, take it easy and climb into bed. | ” |
— E |
Sleep is the seventh episode of the fourth series of Alphablocks. It is the 85th episode overall.
At the end of a very busy day, E just wants to sing himself to sleep - but Little Bo Peep and friends have other plans.
What a day
For little E
At last he can rest his head
Forget all his worries
And set his mind free
Take it easy and climb into bed.
E has a very busy day. He wants to go to bed. When P pops in and asks them to play. E says he's tired. He sings, It's been a long day, they need to go to...
s-l-ee-p, SLEEP!
They don't want to play, they're busy counting...
sh-ee-p, SHEEP!
It's no use, they think they might need Bo...
P-ee-p, PEEP!
The sheep were brought home by Bo Peep. The other Alphablocks agree to keep quiet and play somewhere else. Then A drops in bed with E. E-e-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e. When E's with A, they make a world class.
t-ea-m, TEAM!
Been busy today, they're running out of...
s-t-ea-m, STEAM!
All they want is to go off and sleep and...
d-r-ea-m, DREAM!
While dreaming, K accidentally kicks his football, awakening them. K says he's sorry and says "Fancy a kick around?" Then Magic E joins in. E-e-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e-e E-e-e-e-e. And when Magic E does his magic on E, E can turn into an...
a-th-l-e-t-e, ATHLETE!
Without a doubt, they can wear you out 'til they make you all...
c-o-m-p-e-t-e, COMPETE!
E hosts a bed jumping competition. Ready? Set? GO! While jumping over the beds, E reviews the long E sounds. Then he finally goes to sleep. At the end of the song, a sheep wakes him up.
Characters (in their order of appearance)[]
- EE
- SH
- EA
- TH
Split Digraphs[]
- E_E
- Sleep
- Sheep
- Peep
- Team
- Steam
- Dream
- Athlete
- Compete
- O is the only vowel who made a cameo in this episode.
- This is the only Long Vowel Song to have digraph TH.
- H doesn't speak in this episode. She isn't heard panting.
- Three digraphs which spell the long "e" sound are EY (as in Key), IE (as in Goalie), and EEE (as in LEEE). Both digraphs could have appeared in this episode; but the long-vowel songs written for Alphablocks can teach only three spellings per sound (each verse demonstrates a different spelling, with three rhyming examples in the lyrics).
- Additionally, Y alone can also make a long E sound. (The word "party" in Surprise); but this occurs only in unstressed syllables (all the long-vowel songs use one-syllable words as examples).
- No words are made with K.
- This is the only Long Vowel Song to have a word with 6 phonemes (compete).
- This is also the only Long Vowel episode with a title that doesn't end in a silent e.
- This episode and the Numberblocks episode "Another One" aired on Halloween 2017.
- This is the second episode in which P appears as a capital letter beginning a proper name (Bo Peep); she also does this in Outlaw when I temporarily gets renamed "Paul".