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"We have to get the Quick to stop!"Ones
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"You can't just sing any old thing!"S
This episode contains a song and its page has its lyrics. If you know how it goes, you can sing along!
Note: The lyrics are sometimes on the transcript to prevent browser crashes.

Quick is the twentieth episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 46th episode overall.


P, I, A, N, and O bring in a piano. Q plays it, but wants U to play it with her. They play together singing their sound, but U wants to be alone, causing Q to decide to sing.

Lyrics (without U)[]

I need U,
Like a shoelace needs a shoe
Like a train needs a track
Like a duck needs a *-/æ/-/k/, *ACK!
I need you, like a king needs a *een
I'm *euing up to be seen with... stop, stop! This isn't working!

Q needs U and begs, until U finally says yes.

Lyrics (with U)[]

I need U,
Like a shoelace needs a shoe
Like a train needs a track
Like a duck needs a /kw/-/æ/-/k/, QUACK!
I need you, like a king needs a queen
I'm queuing up to be seen with U!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Alphablocks /kw/-/ɪ/-/z/, QUIZ!

I'm quivering, quaking, feeling queasy,
Even if the questions are quite easy,
I'm so quiet, without U near me,
No one can ever hear me...

Question 1: What do you call a crate of ducks?
A box of...
A box of quackers!

I need U,
Like a hiccup needs a hic
Like a clock needs a tick-tock-tick
Stick with me and pick me, please be /kw/-/ɪ/-/k/, QUICK!

(U plays the piano faster)

I need U,
Like a shoelace needs a shoe
Like a train needs a track
Like a duck needs a /kw/-/æ/-/k/, QUACK!
I need you, like a king needs a queen
I'm queuing up to be seen with U!

It's time for another... /kw/-/ɪ/-/z/, QUIZ!

I'm quivering, quaking, feeling queasy,
Even if the questions are quite easy,
I'm so quiet, without U near me,
No one can ever hear me...

Question 2: What does a duck with a hiccup say?

I need U,
Like a hiccup needs a hic
Like a clock needs a tick-tock-tick
Stick with me and pick me, please be /kw/-/ɪ/-/k/, QUICK!

(U plays the piano faster)

I need U,
Like a shoelace needs a shoe
Like a train needs a track
Like a duck needs a /kw/-/æ/-/k/, QUACK!
I need you, like a king needs a queen
I'm queuing up to be seen with U!

/kw/-/ɪ/-/z/, QUIZ!

I'm quivering, quaking, feeling queasy,
Even if the questions are quite easy,
I'm so quiet, without U near me,
No one can ever hear me...

Question 3: What time does a duck wake up?
At the quack of dawn!

I need U,
Like a hiccup needs a hic
Like a clock needs a tick-tock-tick
Stick with me and pick me, please be…
That's it! I... /kw/-/ɪ/-/t/, QUIT!

Everyone faints as the song ends.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • QU
  • CK


  • Piano (stealth word)
  • Qack (nonsense word)
  • Quack
  • Quiz
  • Quick
  • Quit


  • Song: I Need U
  • Total words: 5
  • This is the first time Q's letter is seen with a hook-tail.
  • The third repeat of the song is the only repeat in which Z doesn't announce for the quiz before QUIZ is sounded out.
  • A, I, N, P, T, and digraph CK only say their sound in this episode. C and K have no solo lines when they're apart.
  • E is the only vowel who did not appear in this episode.
  • This episode is similar to a later episode chronologically: Quiet.

Nonsense Words[]


A person who has amazing yet insane moments during a time that is supposed to be focused or serious.

This person usually has a buddy or two who create the mayhem or do idiotic things that make it all just fantastic.


  • Q: QACK! This is not working.
  • Q, U, A, C, and K: Quack.


Has its own page.
