Numberblocks Wiki
Episode Gallery Transcript
Four, guess.

"I don't think I've seen Pen before!"Four
This page is about the episode. For the character(s), see Pen (character).


"We have to get Pen to stop!"Ones
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Pen is the seventh episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 33rd episode overall.


E is bored, E says his sound, E has an idea, he uses his airhorn to call N and P pops in. E shouts out his sound to distract her. E is so sorry.

p-e-n, PEN!

A naughty pen appears. E tells it to stop. Some Alphablocks come to help. The pen draws bunny ears on T and he says that it tickles and everyone laughs. They go chase the pen. It draws a "fake" hole to protect it. N can't get it in the "fake" hole. He grabs the "fake" hole and throws it.

The pen escapes the "fake" hole. T says that they need a trap.

How can they catch the pen?[]

Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.


NET* - The pen plays badminton.

PEG - A peg appears to chase the pen. The pen draws a knot and ties it.

PET - A puppy dog appears and they fight with each other. The pen draws a ball, and the pen plays fetch with him.

TEN* - A Zero appears beside the pen, making a "10".

GET* - G is trying to get the pen, but T says that’s what they’re trying to do.

PEN (star word) - Another pen appears. The other pen draws a ladder to get away from the other. E does the same. He goes to get the pen but the pen runs out of ink, and E got the pen, the pen is now sad. E draws a can of ink to cure the pen, the pen is now happy and got all the ink. Now the pen can finally draw, but the clones of the pen make presents for G, N, P, and T. And it also makes a funny mustache and glasses for E.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • Pen
  • Pet
  • Peg
  • Net (game only)
  • Ten (game only)
  • Get (game only)
  • Gen (game only, unusual word)
  • Gep (game only, nonsense word)
  • Neg (game only, nonsense word)
  • Nep (game only, nonsense word)
  • Tep (game only, nonsense word)
  • Teg (game only, nonsense word)


  • Total words: 3 (TV version) 6 (game version)
  • This episode only appeared in version 2.0 of the game version.
  • The same dog from this episode reappears 7 years later in the non-canon Numberblocks song "Who Has More?".
  • It is revealed that E is ambidextrous.
  • The nonsense word "Tep" is reused in the Numberblocks crossover special Making Friends.


  • E sounds like T when he says "Come back here!"

Unusual Word[]


Gen means to find out about something.

Nonsense Words[]


Gep stands for "Good Engineering Practice".


Neg either means to insult in belief that diminished self confidence will make them more receptive to sexual advances, or a photographic negative.


Nep stands for "non-English-proficient".


Tep stands for "Tucson Electric Power" according to This nonsense will later be reused in the Alphablocks/Numberblocks crossover episode Making Friends.


Teg means a sheep that is two years old.
