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On is the 24th episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 50th episode overall.
Beatboxing, rock, opera, disco: the Alphablocks sing their letter sounds freestyle from A to Z in an alphabetical musical extravaganza. This episode has fun with the whole alphabet and their letter sounds.
A huge (but inactive) screen fills the background. O and N spell "ON", causing a switch to appear. O turns the switch on, and the screen displays a bright white background before the switch mechanically ascends out of sight. O and N leave together, allowing the show to start.
Act 1: Numero Uno[]
A falls down as the screen changes graphics. The apple falls down as her letter sound started. As more apples fall down, it makes a beat of a rhythm.
/æ/! /æ/! /æ/!
As the rhythm continues, B, C and D descend on a stage panel. B makes her letter sound with her bass while C makes cracks and D plays his drums.
/b/ /b/-/b/-/b/-/b/, /b/ /b/-/b/-/b/-/b/
/k/! /k/! /k/!
/d/-/d/-/d/ /d/-/d/-/d/!
A joins the band while juggling the apples.
Before the band continues singing, the stage platform breaks along the cracks C has made and slides to the floor. This leads up to the next act.
Act 2: Morning Exercise[]
E appears making his letter sound using his megaphone.
/ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/-/ɛ/-/ɛ/! /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/-/ɛ/-/ɛ/!
F flies around making her letter sound as well.
/f/ /f/-/f/! /f/ /f/-/f/!
G comes around with a glass of water glugging to make her letter sound too.
/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/! /ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/!
Finally H comes with her letter sound performing her dance moves.
/h/-/h/-/h/, /h/-/h/-/h/! /h/-/h/-/h/, /h/-/h/-/h/! /h/-/h/,-/h/ /h/-/h/-/h/!
And finally they pose together to end their act.
Act 3: Tittle Tattle[]
The next one starts with I with her Viking helmet and wig, then starts singing with her letter sound.
/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/~ /ɪ/-/ɪ/!
J hovers suspended from a wire (making her appear to fly) as she interrupts I's spotlight with her letter sound.
/dʒ/-/dʒ/ /dʒ/-/dʒ/ /dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/!
I is in her Viking’s hat feels angry about J's performance, but begins singing again while J is in her ballerina outfit continues dancing, J then lands on I, leaving the spotlight a mess.
Act 4: Kool.[]
K comes kicking his football while saying his letter sound.
/k/! /k/! /k/! /k/!
L comes to join K but she sings her signature lullaby song.
/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/... /l/-/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/...
K gradually falls asleep and stops kicking the ball; L falls asleep next to him, lulled by her own music.
Act 5: Nasal Noises[]
This next act starts with M tearing the screen apart and eating with his letter sound.
N rebukes M with his own letter sound.
/m/-/m/! /m/!
The two Alphablocks fight until N angrily drags the confused M offstage; M still holds the screen corner that he had broken off to eat.
Act 6: The O Track[]
O arrives, wearing his hip-hop attire. He raps with his letter sound.
/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/!
P pops along with her letter sound to join O.
/ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/ /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/, /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/, /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/!
/p/! /p/! /p/-/p/! /p/! /p/, /p/-/p/! /p/, /p/, /p/! /p/-/p/! /p/-/p/!
Q enters, trying (but failing) to add a one-letter sound to the act. She realizes her problem and grabs U to make QU; O and P are impressed for Q and U's compounded letter sound.
/kw/! /kw/! /kw/-/kw/! /kw/, /kw/! /kw/! /kw/! /kw/-/kw/! /kw/, /kw/!
Act 7: Over the Seas[]
R appears as she is about to dance with her letter sound.
/ɹ/! /ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/! /ɹ/! /ɹ/! /ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/!
S appears floating while doing her letter sound.
/s/~! /s/-/s/-/s/-/s/-/s/, /s/! /s/-/s/-/s/!
While S sags up, R dances around S to sag around to offscreen.
/ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/! /s/~!
Act 8: Teleyouvision[]
This next act starts with a techno-themed vibe as T comes in with his letter sound.
/t/, /t/, /t/-/t/-/t/-/t/-/t/! /t/, /t/, /t/-/t/-/t/-/t/-/t/!
As T steps over to the DJ mixer, U enters.
/ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/!
U then dodges the laser lights as V vrooms in with his letter sound.
/v/! /v/! /v/! /v/~!
Both T and V leave; U is the only one feeling worried about his unfair abandonment.
Act 9: The Village Blocks[]
W, X, Y and Z appear on stage, with W wearing a construction hat, X wearing an Indian feather bonnet, Y wearing a cowboy hat, and Z wearing a military officer's hat. All four perform disco dance steps while pronouncing their letter sounds rhythmically.
/w/! /w/! /w/-/w/-/w/. /w/. /w/. /w/-/w/-/w/... /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/-/ks/! /j/! /j/! /j/-/j/-/j/! /j/! /j/! /j/-/j/-/j/! /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/...
Z dozes off eventually; all four Alphablocks quit the stage with Y holding Z's hand.
Act 10: The Grand Finale[]
The grand finale recaps all Alphablocks' making their letter sounds in order, mostly one at a time. (Q, of course, gets help from U again...)
/æ/! /b/! /k/! /d/! /ɛ/! /f/! /ɡ/! /h/! /ɪ/~! /dʒ/! /k/! /l/! /m/! /n/! /ɒ/! /p/! /p/! /kw/! /ɹ/! /s/! /t/! /ʌ/! /v/! /w/! /ks/! /j/! /z/...
When everyone else has cleared off the stage, O and FF return to make the word, "OFF". The switch that had appeared at the beginning reappears; O switches off the screen, ending the episode.
Characters (in their order of appearance)[]
- QU
- FF
- On
- Off
- The episode is similar to Alphablocks, but with words.
- I sings the choral theme from the 4th movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, also known as Ode to Joy.
- When U arrives while T is on the DJ mixer, the huge screen froze until V shows up.
Has its own page.
Alphablocks S02E24+On
Let's act!