Numberblocks Wiki
Episode Gallery Transcript

"We have to get the On to stop!"Ones
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"You can't just sing any old thing!"S
This episode contains a song and its page has its lyrics. If you know how it goes, you can sing along!
Note: The lyrics are sometimes on the transcript to prevent browser crashes.

On is the 24th episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 50th episode overall.


Beatboxing, rock, opera, disco: the Alphablocks sing their letter sounds freestyle from A to Z in an alphabetical musical extravaganza. This episode has fun with the whole alphabet and their letter sounds.


A huge (but inactive) screen fills the background. O and N spell "ON", causing a switch to appear. O turns the switch on, and the screen displays a bright white background before the switch mechanically ascends out of sight. O and N leave together, allowing the show to start.

Act 1: Numero Uno[]

A falls down as the screen changes graphics. The apple falls down as her letter sound started. As more apples fall down, it makes a beat of a rhythm.

/æ/! /æ/! /æ/!

As the rhythm continues, B, C and D descend on a stage panel. B makes her letter sound with her bass while C makes cracks and D plays his drums.

/b/ /b/-/b/-/b/-/b/, /b/ /b/-/b/-/b/-/b/

/k/! /k/! /k/!

/d/-/d/-/d/ /d/-/d/-/d/!

A joins the band while juggling the apples.


Before the band continues singing, the stage platform breaks along the cracks C has made and slides to the floor. This leads up to the next act.

Act 2: Morning Exercise[]

E appears making his letter sound using his megaphone.

/ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/-/ɛ/-/ɛ/! /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/, /ɛ/-/ɛ/-/ɛ/!

F flies around making her letter sound as well.

/f/ /f/-/f/! /f/ /f/-/f/!

G comes around with a glass of water glugging to make her letter sound too.

/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/! /ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/-/ɡ/!

Finally H comes with her letter sound performing her dance moves.

/h/-/h/-/h/, /h/-/h/-/h/! /h/-/h/-/h/, /h/-/h/-/h/! /h/-/h/,-/h/ /h/-/h/-/h/!

And finally they pose together to end their act.

Act 3: Tittle Tattle[]

The next one starts with I with her Viking helmet and wig, then starts singing with her letter sound.

/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/-/ɪ/ /ɪ/~ /ɪ/-/ɪ/!

J hovers suspended from a wire (making her appear to fly) as she interrupts I's spotlight with her letter sound.

/dʒ/-/dʒ/ /dʒ/-/dʒ/ /dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/-/dʒ/!

I is in her Viking’s hat feels angry about J's performance, but begins singing again while J is in her ballerina outfit continues dancing, J then lands on I, leaving the spotlight a mess.

Act 4: Kool.[]

K comes kicking his football while saying his letter sound.

/k/! /k/! /k/! /k/!

L comes to join K but she sings her signature lullaby song.

/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/... /l/-/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/...

K gradually falls asleep and stops kicking the ball; L falls asleep next to him, lulled by her own music.

Act 5: Nasal Noises[]

This next act starts with M tearing the screen apart and eating with his letter sound.


N rebukes M with his own letter sound.


/m/-/m/! /m/!

The two Alphablocks fight until N angrily drags the confused M offstage; M still holds the screen corner that he had broken off to eat.

Act 6: The O Track[]

O arrives, wearing his hip-hop attire. He raps with his letter sound.

/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/!

P pops along with her letter sound to join O.

/ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/ /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/! /ɒ/-/ɒ/, /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/, /ɒ/-/ɒ/-/ɒ/!

/p/! /p/! /p/-/p/! /p/! /p/, /p/-/p/! /p/, /p/, /p/! /p/-/p/! /p/-/p/!

Q enters, trying (but failing) to add a one-letter sound to the act. She realizes her problem and grabs U to make QU; O and P are impressed for Q and U's compounded letter sound.

/kw/! /kw/! /kw/-/kw/! /kw/, /kw/! /kw/! /kw/! /kw/-/kw/! /kw/, /kw/!

Act 7: Over the Seas[]

R appears as she is about to dance with her letter sound.

/ɹ/! /ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/! /ɹ/! /ɹ/! /ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/!

S appears floating while doing her letter sound.

/s/~! /s/-/s/-/s/-/s/-/s/, /s/! /s/-/s/-/s/!

While S sags up, R dances around S to sag around to offscreen.

/ɹ/-/ɹ/-/ɹ/! /s/~!

Act 8: Teleyouvision[]

This next act starts with a techno-themed vibe as T comes in with his letter sound.

/t/, /t/, /t/-/t/-/t/-/t/-/t/! /t/, /t/, /t/-/t/-/t/-/t/-/t/!

As T steps over to the DJ mixer, U enters.

/ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/! /ʌ/!

U then dodges the laser lights as V vrooms in with his letter sound.

/v/! /v/! /v/! /v/~!

Both T and V leave; U is the only one feeling worried about his unfair abandonment.

Act 9: The Village Blocks[]

W, X, Y and Z appear on stage, with W wearing a construction hat, X wearing an Indian feather bonnet, Y wearing a cowboy hat, and Z wearing a military officer's hat. All four perform disco dance steps while pronouncing their letter sounds rhythmically.

/w/! /w/! /w/-/w/-/w/. /w/. /w/. /w/-/w/-/w/... /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/! /ks/-/ks/-/ks/! /j/! /j/! /j/-/j/-/j/! /j/! /j/! /j/-/j/-/j/! /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/, /z/...

Z dozes off eventually; all four Alphablocks quit the stage with Y holding Z's hand.

Act 10: The Grand Finale[]

The grand finale recaps all Alphablocks' making their letter sounds in order, mostly one at a time. (Q, of course, gets help from U again...)

/æ/! /b/! /k/! /d/! /ɛ/! /f/! /ɡ/! /h/! /ɪ/~! /dʒ/! /k/! /l/! /m/! /n/! /ɒ/! /p/! /p/! /kw/! /ɹ/! /s/! /t/! /ʌ/! /v/! /w/! /ks/! /j/! /z/...

When everyone else has cleared off the stage, O and FF return to make the word, "OFF". The switch that had appeared at the beginning reappears; O switches off the screen, ending the episode.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]

  • Everyone from A to Z. (Note: O and N appeared first, and U appeared after Q.)


  • QU
  • FF


  • On
  • Off


  • The episode is similar to Alphablocks, but with words.
  • I sings the choral theme from the 4th movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, also known as Ode to Joy.


  • When U arrives while T is on the DJ mixer, the huge screen froze until V shows up.


Has its own page.



Alphablocks S02E24+On

Let's act!
