Numberblocks Wiki

Uhh…. - Four
This page has been serial victim to repeat vandalism or unnecessary content adding, so here is a quick disclaimer:

Series 3 has the first twenty episodes far away from the last ten. Series 3a has 20 episodes (September-October 2018) while 3b has 10 (January-February 2019), as series-es are now determined by how far away they are, noting Series 4, 5, 6, and 7 have no DVDs to rely on. Please don't change it just because of the DVDs.

Series 3 is the third series of Numberblocks.

On the 25th November, 2017, CBeebies announced that this series and the next one were greenlit due to the show performing well.


This series teaches new mathematics skills:

  • Less than or greater than with Blockzilla
  • Number 0 with Numberblock Zero
  • Other 2D shapes with the Flatlanders
  • Patterns with Six's Pattern Palace
  • Basic Algebra with Big Tum
  • Multiplication with the Magic Mirror
  • Numbers 11-15 with Numberblocks Eleven to Fifteen
  • Columns and Rows with Twelve


in season
Part Episode Release Date Level
31 1 3a Once Upon A Time 24th September, 2018 1
32 2 Blockzilla 25th September, 2018
33 3 The Numberblocks Express 26th September, 2018
34 4 Fruit Salad 27th September, 2018
35 5 Zero 28th September, 2018
36 6 Now We Are Six to Ten 1st October, 2018 2
37 7 Numberblobs 2nd October, 2018
38 8 Building Blocks 3rd October, 2018
39 9 Peekaboo! 4rd October, 2018
40 10 Hiccups 5th October, 2018
41 11 What's the Difference? 8th October, 2018
42 12 Numberblock Rally 9th October, 2018
43 13 Five and Friends 10th October, 2018
44 14 Octoblock to the Rescue! 11th October, 2018
45 15 Ten Again 12th October, 2018
46 16 Flatland 15th October, 2018
47 17 Pattern Palace 16th October, 2018
48 18 The Legend of Big Tum 17th October, 2018
49 19 Mirror, Mirror 18th October, 2018
50 20 The Wrong Number 19th October, 2018
51 21 3b Eleven 21st January, 2019 3
52 22 Twelve 22nd January, 2019
53 23 The Way of the Rectangle 23rd January, 2019
54 24 Ride the Rays 25th January, 2019
55 25 Block Star 24th January, 2019
56 26 Thirteen 28th January, 2019
57 27 Fourteen 29th January, 2019
58 28 Fifteen 30th January, 2019
59 29 Tween Scenes 31st January, 2019
60 30 Step Squads 1st February, 2019

New Characters




  • Series 3 first Numberblocks series to...
    • ...have a delay between episodes, being 3 months between The Wrong Number and Eleven.[1]
    • distributed by BBC Studios.[2]
    • ...officially have thirty episodes and not be split into two smaller seasons.
    • ...have more than 5 Numberblocks debut, this time being 6.
    • ...feature Eight's slight redesign. (featuring a brighter coloured mask and more consistent face size)
    • released in two different DVDs.
    • ...have a higher budget, since the animation has had a noticeable upgrade.
    • ...have its episodes' airdates land on the month of September.
    • ...air in the years 2018 and 2019.
    • ...have episodes in Yellow Level Three, being the entirety of Series 3b.
  • The first fifteen episodes were released on a DVD called Number Fun, while the remaining fifteen episodes were released in another DVD named Fifteen and Friends.
    • However, Series 3a is considered to have the first 5 episodes of Fifteen and Friends included, while Series 3b is considered the remaining 10 episodes of Fifteen and Friends due to featuring Numberblocks 11-15.
  • Numberblock Zero would debut in this series, but only appears in her namesake debut episode until Series 4.
  • This series marks the long-awaited debut of Numberblocks bigger than Ten, specifically ones from 11-15.
  • Numberblocks Day started a week prior to this series' first release and has stayed as Numberblocks Day every year since.
  • Starting with Eleven's debut, the creation of new Numberblocks no longer involves [x + 1 = y], it is now [10 + x = y].
    • This is because [10 + x = y] is a more easier way to recognise 11-15.
    • Depending on your view, Eleven may be the only Numberblock to debut where it's [x + 1 = y] instead of [10 + x = y].
  • Thirteen and Fourteen appear the least out of the debuting Numberblocks in Series 3b, both only appearing in two episodes. Additionally, Eleven technically appears the second least, as she appears in The Wrong Number as an early cameo as well as in her and Twelve's debut episodes.
    • This is possibly because Series 3b (the last 10 episodes) focuses on multiplication and other advanced mathmatics. Eleven and Thirteen are primes, which may be the reason why they appear rarely other than their debut episodes.
    • Fourteen appearing rarely is likely due to him being introduced late, in the fourth to last episode.
  • The only debuting Numberblocks in Series 3b to make a vertical arrangement is Twelve, as well as being the only Numberblock through 11-15 to have their face on the top of their body in at least one arrangement.


  1. Interestingly enough, Alphablocks did the same thing beforehand as well with its own third series.
  2. The reason for this is because BBC Worldwide, which distributed Series 1 and 2, officially merged with BBC Studios on the 1st of April, 2018, around 5 months before Series 3 aired.
