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Ninety, or 90, is a Numberblock made up of 90 blocks.


Ninety has a pattern similar to Nine's 3 shades of grey. To be specific, Ninety has 30 light-grey blocks, 30 grey blocks and 30 dark-grey blocks. His eyes, mouth and limbs have the same colour as those of Nine. The difference is that Ninety has rectangle eyes, tri-coloured hair and a pocket where he stores his magic wand, even though he doesn't wear a shirt. Ninety has an array display of 12 factors.


Ninety is a magician, he can make magic tricks with his wand.

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 7 + 2 pictured

He has appeared in 4.7% of all Numberblocks episodes, including the crossover specials.


Like with all the other multiples of Ten, Ninety is mostly seen as a 9x10 rectangle.

====2D (4/)====


  • He is the last multiple of 10 to have 2 digits and currently the largest 2 digit Numberblock to be figured out.
  • He is the fifth male that is a multiple of three, the previous being Eighty-One.
  • He is the third male that is a multiple of six, the previous being Thirty-Six and Eighteen.
  • 90 has more factors than 100, 90 has 12 factors, while 100 only has 9. This makes 90 the second 12-factored rectangle, first being Sixty and the third chronologically, Seventy-Two.
  • Him, Sixty and Seventy-Two have the most factors out of all the Numberblocks.
  • Ninety is currently the largest Numberblock to be "figured out" before One Hundred.
  • Ninety is the only multiple of ten to have the same block colour scheme tone as their divided by 10 counterpart.
  • He and Z have something on their chest but no shirts. In this case it’s Ninety’s pocket.
  • He and Ten are the least like their ten-percenter counterparts. Nine is not a magician and Ninety doesn’t sneeze.
  • We don’t know what would happen if 90 were to sneeze. It can be assumed that he simply launches out a One like Nine, since he still has a whole block in the middle of his face.
    • However, Eighty-Nine is not figured-out.
  • He's the largest physical number voiced by David Holt.
  • He is the only Numberblock to not have the figured-out nineties after him.
  • He is the first and by far only multiple of 15 to be male.
  • He is the largest Numberblock to have eyebrows.
  • He is the largest pronic number to appear in the show.


In Nine's Time to Shine, his arrangement changed to 9x10 when the Nine Times Table was not on the sideways part.
