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Uhh…. - Four
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Confirmed by a person in the show, Magenta (at least in the show), like cyan, is NOT subtractive in the RYB model. RYB is just too subtractive for magenta. Check the Trivia section for more information.


"We have to get the Magenta to stop!"Ones
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I'm always thrilled to fix things up.

— Magenta, The Printing Crew

Magenta is a character in that appears in Colourblocks. He is in the Printing Crew alongside Cyan, Yellow and Black.


Magenta is an anthropomorphic magenta tetrahedron with white goggles and a twin magenta caps, with four stripes: they are coloured according to the Printing Crew, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (the fourth one he wears in Return of the Printing Crew onwards).


Magenta is nice and helpful. While Cyan is a pro-racer, Magenta loves to fix things up, as well as mixing colours with the Printing Crew. Description, shared with Cyan[]

Cyan and Magenta are Yellow's Printing Crew friends who love to race in their Car-tridges. Cyan is chilled and laid-back, a bit like Blue, but watch out when she starts to race! Meanwhile Magenta loves to tinker and fix things and is always upgrading his racing Car-tridge!

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 7

Related Characters[]


Mixed with other colours[]


For RYB magenta[]




  • Confirmed by a person on the team, Magenta isn't an RYB colour, yet a tertiary of the RYB model is called magenta. What to do? If/when we get more Colourblocks episodes, there could be an episode about the tertiary magenta. Magenta could point it out as a dark/dull magenta, or (more likely) there could be a whole new Colourblock for that tertiary magenta, supposedly having a another name for that colour.
  • If he was tertiary in RYB, then he will be the first tertiary Colourblock (in RYB) to debut in the series as well as the only male tertiary in colourblocks in RYB. The second is Lime.
  • His best friend is Cyan.
  • He is the third character voiced by Will Jennings.
  • He and Cyan are the fourth and fifth Colourblocks to wear something by default: in this case, a hat and goggles. The first three are Indigo, Violet, and Brown.
  • Just like Cyan, this article has confirmed his existence:
    • The article also confirmed that he was a member of the Printing Crew.
  • The type of pyramid that Magenta is shaped like is called a tetrahedron, or a triangular pyramid.
  • He and Cyan are the third pair of Colourblocks to debut by not falling from the sky. The first two being Indigo and Violet, the third and fourth being Black and White, and the seventh and eighth being Deep Blue and Sky Blue.
  • Every episode Magenta appears in he is with Cyan.
  1. Chessadams
    image sent to me by my friend who i am not disclosing. francesca adams is the co-director of colourblocks and she is a more credible source than mentari tv who has no creative control.
  3. DifferentBlue

    The “different blue” (mentioned by that name in Return Of The Printing Crew (which is an episode in Series 1)) matches Indigo's Series 1 appearance.
