Numberblocks Wiki
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"What does this mean?" - Six
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"Let’s do everything!"Ten
This page is a list of stuff.

These are the episodes of Wonderblocks.

Rules To Format

  • Bold is used for a character's debut episode, and also characters themselves when they debut.
  • Italic is used for episodes where Wonder Magic occurs.
  • Underlined means all the Wonderblocks (up to that point) appear in the episode.
  • Superscript characters don't appear in the episode, but they were mentioned.
  • Episodes with a indicate that episode has a song. The song is also listed in the song(s) column.
Series # Overall # Title Appearing characters Learning competency Song[s]
S.1a 1 1 Go Go, Stop, Little Frog, Three Bears, Arty Wonderblocks Go and Stop; executing and terminating code Give It a Go
2 2 Stop Go, Stop, Frog, Toad patience; crafting solutions; introduction to puzzles Stop and Think It Through
3 3 Hop Go, Stop, Hop, Little Frog Block Hop; how basic coding works; syntax N/A
4 4 Moo! Go, Stop, Moo, Cow, Froggy, Frog, Little Frog, Toad block Moo; directing on what to do and when; defining functions N/A
5 5 Cluck! Go, Stop, Cluck, Secret Agent Chicken Finding alternate solutions after fails, passwords N/A
6 6 Mooving Up Go, Stop, Moo, Cow, Cluck, Secret Agent Chicken Introduction to sequencing N/A
7 7 Splat! Go, Stop, Arty, Toad, Hop, Splat Identifying patterns; coding patterns N/A
8 8 The Breakfast Bears Go, Stop, Three Bears, Breakfast Crew Deciding what should go first (prioritization) N/A
9 9 Moo! Cluck! Baa! Go, Stop, Moo, Cow, Cluck, Secret Agent Chicken, Baa, Sheep Sequencing, clarification N/A
10 10 Dancefloor Delight Go, Stop, Arty, Moving Crew Sequencing, introduction to orthogonal directions and movements, visualizing movements N/A
11 11 Step by Stepping Stone Go, Stop, Arty, Moving Crew, Little Hoppers, Frog (deleted scene), Toot (deleted scene) Pathfinding, editing, and refusing codes N/A
12 12 Rainy Day Bears Go, Stop, Three Bears, Rainy Day Crew Sequencing, experimenting (trial and error) TBA
13 13 Tower of Flowers Go, Stop, Arty, Toad, Splatting Crew Identifying patterns, replicating sequences, improvising TBA
14 14 Building Sandcastles Go, Stop, Three Bears, Scoop Sand, Tip Bucket Understanding context, measurement, adjusting code TBA
15 15 First Things First Go, Stop, Little Frog, Cow, Secret Agent Chicken, Three Bears, Arty, Frog Recap on sequencing TBA
16 16 What Can We Do? TBA TBA TBA
17 17 Woodland Wiggle TBA TBA TBA
18 18 Magic Beans TBA TBA TBA
19 19 Musical Bears TBA TBA TBA
20 20 Sounds Like a Plan TBA TBA TBA
21 21 Top Secret Holiday Hideout Plan TBA TBA TBA
22 22 Someone's Been Eating My Porridge TBA TBA TBA
23 23 Bunch of Bugs TBA TBA TBA
24 24 Potted Plant Parade TBA TBA TBA
25 25 Again! TBA TBA TBA

