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Frequent addition of fanmade episodes.

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"Let’s do everything!"Ten
This page is a list of stuff.

These are the episodes of Colourblocks.

Rules To Format

  • Bold is used for a character's debut episode, and also characters themselves when they debut.
  • Italic is used for episodes where colour-mixing occurs, and also characters summoned from mixing.
  • Underlined means all the Colourblocks (up to that point) appear in the episode.
  • Superscript characters don't appear in the episode, but they were mentioned.
  • Episodes with a indicate that episode has a song. The song is also listed in the song(s) column.
Series # Overall # Title Appearing characters Learning competency Song[s]
S.1a 1 1 Red Red Colour red Red-dy to Roll!
2 2 Blue Blue Colour blue Little Blue Boat
3 3 Yellow Yellow Colour yellow Party Time with Yellow
4 4 Red Meets Blue Red, Blue Objects that are both red and blue Red-dy to Roll! (chunk)
5 5 Yellow Meets Red and Blue Red, Yellow, Blue Primary colours N/A
6 6 Green Green Colour green Life is Green
7 7

Green Means Go

Red, Yellow,

Green, Blue

Mixing yellow and blue, and common signs to stop and go N/A
8 8 Chameleon [1] Red, Yellow, Green, Blue How things can be different colours
9 9 Silly Colouring Red, Yellow, Green, Blue Knowing which are right and wrong colours for objects
10 10 Orange Red, Orange, Yellow Colour orange The Orangey Energy
11 11

Red and Yellow Meet Orange


Orange, Yellow

Mixing red and yellow N/A
12 12 Purple Red, Green Purple Colour purple Purple is the Colour of Kings
13 13

The Uncoloured Castle

Red, Green,

Purple, Blue

Mixing blue and red N/A
14 14 Purple's Patterns Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple Colour patterns N/A
15 15



Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Violet

The seven colours of a rainbow, colours indigo and violet N/A
S.1b 16 16 Little Red Riding Hood Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple N/A N/A
17 17 Pick a Partner Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple Complementary and similar colours N/A
18 18 Black and White Black, White Colours black and white N/A
19 19 Shades of the Forest Green, Black, White, Red Green shades N/A
20 20 Lighter and Darker Green, Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple Shades of different colours N/A
21 21 Pink Red, Pink, White, Grey Colour pink Pink is For Everyone
22 22 Brown Brown Colour brown My Name is Brown
23 23 Many Mixes Make Brown Green, Brown, Orange, Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Yellow Different ways of mixing brown N/A
24 24 The Printing Crew Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta Colours magenta and cyan, the CMYK colour model, printers N/A
25 25 Grey Black, Dark Grey, Grey, Light Grey, White Colours grey, dark grey, and light grey N/A
26 26 Return of the Printing Crew Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta, Black The "K" of CMYK N/A
27 27 The Sorting Express Green, Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple Sorting based on colour N/A
28 28 Choosing Colours Green, Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple Choosing colours wisely N/A
29 29 Colour Wheels Green, Cyan, Magenta, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple Colour order N/A
30 30 It's a Colourful World Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Violet, Black, White, Grey, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Pink, Brown, Cyan, Magenta Recap of the first series It's a Colourful World
S.2 1/0[2] 31 It's a Colourful Christmas Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Brown Christmas colours It's a Colourful Christmas
2/1 32 The Mixing Factory Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Magenta, Black, Grey, White Colour mixing The Mixing Factory
3/2 33 A Plate of Many Colours Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple Colours of fruit/vegetables N/A
4/3 34 Name That Colour Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Purple, Pink, Brown, Black, White Identifying colours of objects N/A
5/4 35 Colouring a Rainbow Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Grey Order of the colours in a rainbow, that there are more than seven colours in a rainbow Colouring a Rainbow
6/5 36 Printing Crew to the Rescue Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Purple, Magenta, Black, Pink, Brown Mixing colours in CMYK N/A
7/6 37 Deep Blue and Sky Blue Blue, Deep Blue, Sky Blue The colours deep blue and sky blue N/A
8/7 38 Orange's Gym Red, Orange, Yellow Colours similar to orange, inbetween colours N/A
9/8 39 Purple's Mural Makeover Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Indigo, Violet Colours similar to purple, inbetween colours N/A
10/9 40 Lime Yellow, Green, Lime The colour lime It's Lime Time
11/10 41 Return of the Sorting Express Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Purple, Black, White, Pink, Brown Sorting inbetween colours N/A
12/11 42 Fun with Colours Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, White, Grey, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Deep Blue, Sky Blue Basic colour mixes N/A
13/12 43 It's a Grey Day Red, Yellow, Pink, Grey Dull colours It's a Grey Day
14/13 44 Red's Recolouring Tour Red, Orange, Green, Purple, Black, White, Pink, Grey Colours similar to red and mixing colours in any and every way N/A
15/14 45 A Colourful Journey Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Cyan, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Purple, Magenta, Black, White, Light Grey, Grey, Dark Grey, Pink, Brown, Deep Blue, Sky Blue Recap of the first 2 series We're Off to a Colour Journey


  1. Chameleon (character), even though only colours should be listed
  2. This special was supposed to be a season 2 episode. Episodes from this point will be written as a/b. a will be the episode number if IACC is included as a season 2 episode and b will be if not.