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"Let’s do everything!"Ten
This page is a list of stuff.

This is the list of the Alphablocks episodes.

  • Episode titles with a "" indicate that the episode contains a song.
  • Italicized numbers indicate stealth words.
  • Bold numbers represent the number of nonsense words.
  • Underlined numbers indicate words only made in the obscure Alphabet Game.
  • Italicized AND underlined numbers represent the number of unusual words.
# Season Ep. Title Lvl. Teaches Word Count
1 S.1 1 Alphablocks 1 Letter Sounds 0
2 2 Bee 5 Letter E 13

(7 + 6)

3 3 Top 1 Vowels, B_G 6

(4 + 2)

4 4 Why 5 Y as a vowel 15

(1 + 3 + 11)

5 5 Key Letters C and K 10

(4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2)

6 6 Glow Vowels O and U 5
7 7 Sing 4 B_ND 5

(2 + 1 + 2)

8 8 Band _AB 10

(2 + 3 + 3 + 2)

9 9 Party 2 Letters S and X 13

(3 + 7 + 3)

10 10 Cha Cha Cha 5 Digraphs CH and SH 6

(3 + 2 + 1)

11 11 Race 3 Spelling words with the 26 letters 6
12 12 Moon Digraph OO 13

(8 + 4 + 1)

13 13 Alphalympics 5 "Wordscapes" 18

(13 + 3 + 2)

14 14 Sail Digraph AI 10

(5 + 1 + 2 + 2)

15 15 UFO R-controlled Vowel Teams 7
16 16 Fox Pangrams 8
17 17 Surprise Vowel A 9

(5 + 3 + 1)

18 18 Bus Anagrams 10

(5 + 2 + 2 + 1)

19 19 Space Long Vowels A and E 10

(3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2)

20 20 Hide Digraph EE, _IDE 7

(5 + 2)

21 21 Quiet Letter Q 7

(5 + 1 + 1)

22 22 Map Letter R 10

(3 + 2 + 3 + 2)

23 23 Jaybird Letter J 7

(3 + 4)

24 24 Note Plurals with S 10

(8 + 1 + 1)

25 25 Zzzzz Letter Z and Digraph ZZ 10

(6 (5 + 1) dream, 4 real)

26 26 Magic Magic E-controlled Long Vowels 26

(16 + 10)

27 S.2 1 Taps 1 Letters A, P, S and T 4
28 2 In Letters I and N + CVC words with I 8

(5 + 1 + 2)

29 3 Man Letter M 3
30 4 Din Letter D 8

(7 + 1 )

31 5 Dog Letters G and O 6

(5 + 1)

32 6 Cat Letter C + CVC words with A 10

(8 + 2)

33 7 Pen Letter E + CVC words with E 6

(3 + 3)

34 8 Up Letter U + CVC words with U 9

(7 + 2)

35 9 Red Letter R 5
36 10 Hen Letter H 5
37 11 Bop Letter B 7

(5 + 2)

38 12 Fred Letter F 9

(4 + 2 + 1 + 2)

39 13 Hill Digraphs LL, SS and FF 9

(8 + 1)

40 14 Van 2 Letters J and V 6
41 15 Zap Letters Y and Z + Digraph ZZ 7
42 16 Dot 1 CVC words with O 9

(6 + 3)

43 17 Lips Letter L + Short Vowels preview 9

(8 + 1)

44 18 Web 2 Letters W and X 7

(5 + 1 + 1)

45 19 Box _ED 11

(5 + 2 + 3 + 1)

46 20 Quick Letter Q and Digraph QU 6

(4 + 1 + 1)

47 21 Kick 1 Letters C and K + Digraph CK 8
48 22 Wig 2 _IG 7

(4 + 3)

49 23 Rainbow _OG 12

(4 + 4 + 4)

50 24 On Letter Sounds 2
51 25 ABC Letter Names 1
52 26 The Cat Sat on the Mat _AT 7

(6 + 1)

53 S.3 1 Wish _UG 8

(4 + 1 + 3)

54 2 Snowman _AN 10

(7 + 3)

55 3 Win CVC words with all vowels + _IN 16

(13 + 3)

56 4 Hat Letter T + _AP 10

(7 + 3)

57 5 Little Red N Switching vowels and consonants in words. 11

(10 + 1)

58 6 Dots 4 Plurals with S 7

(5 + 2)

59 7 Frog on a Dog _OG 13
60 8 Best Blend ST 8
61 9 Fit _IT + more blends 11

(7 + 4)

62 10 Odd 2 Digraph DD + nonsense words 6
63 11 Champ 3 Digraphs CH and SH 14

(10 + 1 + 3)

64 12 Song Digraph NG 10
65 13 Thing Digraph TH 6
66 14 Train Digraph AI 7
67 15 Beep Digraph EE 6
68 16 Tightrope Trigraph IGH 10

(8 + 2)

69 17 Toad Digraph OA 10

(8 + 2)

70 18 Book Digraph OO 9
71 19 Hey! Letter Shuffling 11
72 20 Card Digraph AR 15

(12 + 3)

73 21 The End Digraphs OI, OR and UR 8
74 22 How Now, Brown Cow? Digraph OW 9
75 23 Fair Digraph ER + Trigraphs AIR, EAR and URE 12
76 24 Ants 4 Simple 4-letter Words 14

(7 + 1 + 4 + 2)

77 25 Ink _INK 8
78 26 Crash! Onomatopoeia 9
79 S.4 1 Four 4-letter words ending with a blend 14

(13 + 1)

80 2 Clap 4-letter words starting with a blend 13
81 3 Prank 5-letter words with blends at the start and the end 7
82 4 Plusman Compound words 6
83 5 Alphabet 5 Digraphs PH and WH 7
84 6 Name Long Vowel A 10
85 7 Sleep Long Vowel E 8
86 8 Mine Long Vowel I 8
87 9 Home Long Vowel O 11
88 10 Blue Long Vowel U 13
89 11 Outlaw Digraphs AW and AU 7
90 12 Birthday Girl Digraph IR 7
91 13 Cowboy Digraphs OU, OW and OY 8
92 S.5 1 An Alphablocks Adventure TBA TBA
93 2 Pip TBA TBA
94 3 C Versus K TBA TBA
95 4 Castles TBA TBA
96 5 R's Really Rare Rose TBA TBA
97 6 An Apple a Day TBA TBA
98 7 Ned TBA TBA
99 8 Treasure TBA TBA
100 9 Pot TBA TBA
101 10 No Fun Without U TBA TBA
102 Specials 1 Band Together - Travelling through the alphabet 28

(20 + 8)

103 2 The Wonderful Wizard of Az Switching vowels on words 17
104 3 Boo! Digraph OO + _AT + Halloween words 15
105 4 Letters to Santa Digraph LL + Christmas words 31

(22 + 9)

(106)[1] Crossover Specials 1 Making Friends Differences between letters and numbers 15

(11 + 3 + 1)

(107) 2 Crossover Codes (A1Z26) and cubes 2
(108) 3 The Case of the Missing Blocks Missing numbers and missing letter sounds 12

(7 + 5)

(109) 4 The Blocks v Blocks Games Make words with 2-5 specific letters, triangle numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 9

(7 + 2)

  1. If anybody is confused about why the episode number is in brackets, it is currently ambiguous as to whether the NBxAB crossovers count towards the total episode count, as it's considered a separate program in the BBC iPlayer. The numbers in brackets count the crossovers, while the numbers outside of brackets don't.