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"We have to get the Ink to stop!"Ones
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Ink is the 25th episode of the third series of Alphablocks. It is the 77th episode overall.


I approaches N and K. She shouts, "It is I!", startling them. K kicks his football too high, and it bumps into each one's heads.

i-n-k, INK!

A bottle of ink appears and the inside appears to be clear. Eventually, they step in the ink and turn invisible. Meanwhile, the following characters: D, O, LL, and S are playing with dolls. S holds hands with the invisible I, N, and K.

s-i-n-k, SINK!

D, O, LL, and S find themselves in a sink, with the latter being washed off. Then, T plays tea with Doll T. S "flies" and tells T something strange is happening.

s-t-i-n-k, STINK!

Everything starts to smell as H runs and sticks with T.

th-i-n-k, THINK!

Think, think, think... TH sees the knocked-down bottle of invisible ink. P lands in the puddle and becomes invisible. S sends for the others. T and H become invisible, too. P pops next to I, N, and K.

p-i-n-k, PINK!

I, N, and K turn pink. P pops away, while invisible SH and R arrive.

sh-r-i-n-k, SHRINK!

I, N, and K shrink in size, as they run away. They almost bump into Doll D and Doll R.

d-r-i-n-k, DRINK!

They take a drink. I, N, and K get their colours back. Then I holds hands with Doll B and Doll G.

b-i-g, BIG!

I, N, and K grow and return back to normal, however, the dolls become "excessively" large. The character I lays down before B and G start laughing.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • LL
  • TH
  • SH


  • Ink
  • Dolls (stealth word)
  • Sink
  • Stink
  • Think
  • Pink
  • Shrink
  • Drink
  • Big


  • Total words: 8
  • A, C, E, F, J, M, Q, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are absent in this episode.
  • R stays invisible throughout the whole episode.
  • B and G stay invisible until they become visible (reverting the effects of the invisible ink) at the end of the episode.
  • L stays and remains doubled and stuck together as digraph LL in this episode.
  • H (single) and SH, only say their sound in this episode.
  • K only has two solo lines in this episode, other than his sound. They both have the one same word: "Okay.".
  • BIG is the only word in this episode that doesn't end in the blend "nk".
  • It is possible that the "ink" in the episode can actually refer to the "invisible ink" in real life, since both variations are a type of substance used in writing and is seen as clear or invisible either on application or soon thereafter.[1]
    • This can later be made visible by some means, such as heat or ultraviolet light, although both are not mentioned in the episode.
    • Additionally, invisible ink can be associated with that of steganography.


  • L: (Sighs)
    • L: Look! Little L is lying down!
  • D: Do something!
    • S: Small S will save you, Little L!
    • D and R: How about a nice cool...
    • d-r-i-n-k, DRINK!
    • D: Delicious.
    • R: Refreshing.
    • I: Incredible!
    • N: Nice!
    • K: Okay!



Alphablocks Series 3 - Ink
