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In is the second episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 28th episode overall.
I holds hands with N and they find themselves stuck inside a floating balloon.
The episode starts with I who is singing with her own letter sound as N tries to stop her from singing. She told N that she is the most "important" and "incredible" letter but N wasn't interested about it.
I brought S and T to come to make a word.
s-i-t, SIT!
S, I, T sit down. But N was not interested about it.
I and N then hold hands.
i-n, IN!
I and N somehow go inside a red object as they float around along with T. They are inside some sort of a rubber dome before they realize they are trapped in a balloon. P pops in to help.
What will they do?[]
Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.
TIN - A pea tin can appears. P eats all the peas, but that doesn't help.
TIP - The balloon rocks back and forth.
PIT* - The balloon falls into a pit.
PIN (star word) - A pin appears which almost pops the balloon, but however, N doesn't want any more "nasty noises", so the pin disappears. Then, I starts singing so loud that it pops the balloon! As P and T leave, N commented on I that she have a nice note. N is impressed... nearly.
Unusual words[]
NIP - to squeeze, bite, or pinch something very hard
NIT - an egg of a parasite, like a tick.
Characters (in their order of appearance)[]
- sit
- in
- tin
- nit (game only)
- nip (game only)
- tip
- pit (game only)
- pin
- Total words: 5 (TV version) 8 (game version)
- This makes the debut of I and N chronologically since the first episode.
- At one point, Alphablock I sung a part of Queen of the Night, by Mozart.
- The word list on the game version of this episode does not include SIT, but includes NIT and NIP despite being unusual words.
- The balloon floats, so it would be filled with helium, which would've made the Alphablock inside speak in a high-pitched voice.
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Alphablocks Series 2 - In