Numberblocks Wiki
Character Gallery Quotes

"We have to get the H to stop!"Ones
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"H wants to munch us, crunch us, and gobble us up!"Three
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H is a character in Alphablocks.

H is voiced by Lizzie Waterworth.


She is a bright yellow Alphablock. She has three freckles on each side of her face; she wears white socks, and vermillion shoes with matching wristbands. A red headband of the same colour appears to hold H's glass cap in place. Staring in Series 5 her shoes have images of lightning on them.


She is the same as G, but yellow and has a flower.


She loves to keep fit by running but can get tired and out of breath. This gives her the "/h/-/h/-/h/-/h/" sound.


  • "Hello, T! You’re in a hurry!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "How about that!"
  • "Hooray!"


Total number of appearances: 50


  • H appears in half of the episodes, and so does L.
  • Some people might pronounce her name as "Haitch".
  • She is a very useful consonant for digraphs and even a trigraph. For example, she is with C for "ch", P for "ph", S for "sh", T for "th", W for "wh", and I and G for "igh". She is even in digraphs that haven’t been seen on the show.
  • She appeared in 49.49% of all Alphablocks episodes, including the crossover episodes.


  • H stays as a capital letter in Book.


See H/Gallery
