Numberblocks Wiki
Episode Gallery Transcript

"We have to get the Fox to stop!"Ones
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"You can't just sing any old thing!"S
This episode contains a song and its page has its lyrics. If you know how it goes, you can sing along!
Note: The lyrics are sometimes on the transcript to prevent browser crashes.

Fox is the sixteenth episode of the first series of Alphablocks.


Sing along as the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


O-o (repeat 4 times)

f-o-x, FOX


d-o-g, DOG

Dog, Fox (repeat twice)


b-r-ow-n, BROWN

Brown fox (repeat twice)

l-a-z-y, LAZY

Lazy dog (repeat twice)

Brown fox, Lazy dog (repeat twice)

The qu-i-ck, QUICK brown fox

The quick brown fox j-u-m-p-s, JUMPS

The quick brown fox jumps

o-v-er, OVER

Over the lazy dog

Jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (repeat twice)

Lazy dog

Quick brown fox

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The lazy fox jumps over the quick brown dog

Over the quick brown dog the lazy fox jumps

Quick fox

Brown dog

Brown fox

Lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (repeat three times)

Lazy dog

Quick brown fox

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Ooo-ooooooooo (the song ends)

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]

All the Alphablocks literally appeared at the same time.


  • OW
  • TH
  • QU
  • CK
  • ER


  • The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


  • A stays saying her long sound (her name) while sounding out LAZY.
  • C, E, H, K, Q, T, and W have no solo lines in this episode.
  • E is the only single letter out of these, because the word "THE" is not sounded out.
  • U's voice is revealed to be only deeper in this episode, except when he was with Q.
  • This was the third time Y was a vowel. The 1st time was in Why, and the second was Key, since E and Y are both vowels.
  • This is the second time ER is the only R-Controlled Digraph in an Alphablocks episode. The first being Bee.
  • This is the only time a capital letter is used in a digraph and at the beginning of a sentence.
  • If the pangram were a past-tense sentence ("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"), then S would be the only letter not in this version.
    • However, if it were to be past-tense, then the word "dog" in this context is pluralized into "dogs".
  • Alongside from singing and saying the words, everyone except for O only say their sound.
  • This is the first time words combinations work, the second time will be The Case of the Missing Blocks.
  • The song name can also reference other media such as one depicting a quick brown fox jumping over a lazy dog. This even includes YouTube and Facebook[1].


  • When the word "brown" is sounded out, OW says his sound in one voice, because O and W are both voiced by the same person, Lizzie Waterworth.
    • The same happens to ER when the word "over" is sounded out.
  • When the word "jumps" is sounded out, P says "pa", when she was supposed to say "/p/" unvoicedly.
  • When spelling the word "dog", O's voice is much lower pitched that what it normally is.
  • Sometimes one of G’s pupils is out of place, making her look odd.
  • In the subtitles, in the line "The lazy fox jumps over the quick brown dog", the word "over" is missing.