Numberblocks Wiki
Larger than a Dinosaur

"I'm larger than a dinosaur!" - Sixteen
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"Wait, I know what this gallery needs: your art!"Seventeen
This gallery is dedicated to fanart. None of the pictures are official unless otherwise noted.

This is a list of minor Numberblocks who never appeared in their figured-out forms, probably due to time consumption, and some of their fanmade designs. For characters that have not appeared in the show, go to Fanmade Galleries for other Numberblocks.


  • Twenty-One was the first Numberblock to have more than two eyes and one mouth, and the first compound Numberblock.

    Compound 21

    • She was also the first Numberblock to have two faces.
  • The fact that Twenty-One in I Can Count to Twenty appears as Twenty and One conjoined reflects how the Alphablocks form digraphs and trigraphs in their show (For example: Q conjoins herself with U to form the digraph "qu"; H, with C, S, and T, form "ch", "sh", and "th" respectively; I, G, and H form the trigraph "igh"; two O's conjoin with each other to form "oo", etc.).

Thirty-Three is a Numberblock made of 33 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

SPAMoonguss SPAMoonguss's Thirty-Three loves ⚽ so much, he is in the shape of three elevens.

NumberblockFan8282's Thirty-Three loves football, she splits into Three elevens for multiplayer. They are colored red orange and yellow.

JingzheChina's Thirty-Three is good at football games as well as Peg Solitaire game. She can split into three Elevens, with colors red, orange and yellow respectively, and play football game on a triangular field. She also loves to play the Peg Solitaire game, and her default arrangement is related to the board of Peg Solitaire. At night, she can split into Fifteen and Eighteen for secret action.

Dayton2949's Thirty-Three is eleven Threes, or three Elevens. He is a high school-esque student who introduces fractions—a numerical quantity that is not a whole number, since he is one third of One Hundred. He also really likes pies as pies are related to fractions, and he's also the humorous announcer for Eleven's (foot)ball matches.

ThatGuy30722's Thirty-Three is a mascot performer who loves to clown around at football games. She wears a different mascot costume every shot, but most of the time, she isn’t wearing any costume.

Fernandez0907's Thirty-Three is a mascot performer, as she is triple Eleven.

Dodeca D.'s Thirty-Three isn't related to football. Instead, he's a ringmaster who is Thirty's assistant that at times brings out acts, such as Thirty and Three, three Elevens, eleven Threes, or random bonds to 33. He is triple Eleven.

Ridetherays's 33 is a referee and his main arrangement is 3x11. He has a whistle, a hat, and yellow and red cards in a green pocket. When he splits into three Elevens, one is red, one is blue, and one is green.

Liam3667's 2nd Thirty-Three is 2 football teams and 11 cheerleaders. She is a great football juggler and her voice sounds like Twenty-Four but with a twist of Three's voice.

Leyjammer's Thirty-Three is a juggler, with Three being his backup juggler. He is also Thirty-Four's brother.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Thirty-Three is a triple-eyed footballer. However, she uses a triangular football field divided into three kites instead of a conventional stadium. Besides, she is known to be a meditator like Twelve. Her antenna and eyes glow when she activates her psychic abilities. The prototype had five limbs, but this idea is discarded as the fifth limb is not really necessary in football. It is replaced by an antenna. In an alter-ego, she gains a crown like Three and is able to juggle three cubes and summon the giant cubes. This is a reference to 33 as a sum and difference of three cubes.

Guapito23456's Thirty Three loves footballs, even he is a referee! He has gold eyes with a eye bigger and a eye smaller, His eyes are yellow, with her right eye notably being bigger than her left. She also has yellow lips and orange limbs. She wears crayola lime shorts, along with crayola lime socks and yellow sneakers.

Supermdztv1’s Thirty-Three is a juggler, two football teams and a referee.

Razarthephoenix29's Thirty-Three loves to juggle and play football at the same time. She is the sister of 22.

Maddox Crabb's Thirty-Three loves football and juggling, like Razarthephoenix29's 33. She can split into three Elevens, they are coloured red, orange, and yellow. The orange Eleven is the referee.

Maksioishere's 33 can split into 3 football teams, with one of them used for training or for substitutes.

TFIExplorer's 33 is 11 and 3 mixup so yeah

Idkwhattodoyeet’s 33 likes chemistry and toxicology, because she is the atomic number of arsenic. She also likes the color green.


Thirty-Four is a Numberblock made of 34 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Thirty-Four is double Seventeen, so he loves to paint things in pair. He is also the founder of Bunny Club as he is a Fibonacci number, so he sometimes wears a pair of bunny ears.

Dayton2949's Thirty-Four is a botanist who loves to find interesting things in nature, hence why she is a number that's part of the Fibonacci sequence. She is double Seventeen, and she really seems to like magic squares.

ThatGuy30722's Thirty-Four is a curator and tour guide at the Gallery. He is double Seventeen. One of his proudest displays is a 4x4 magic square.

TSRITW's 1st design of Thirty-Four is very protective. Say even a minor swear and he will stop you.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Thirty-Four makes sculptures of animals and paints pictures of squares, and is very protective about his art. He's also the founding member of the Bunny Club.

Dodeca D.'s Thirty-Four is great at gardening. She loves finding interesting things in nature and collects them in her garden. She is double Seventeen and is also fond of magic squares. After Eighty-Nine introduces her to Fibonacci, she permanently gains a Fibonacci club badge.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Thirty-Four likes art, especially when they implement the golden ratio and golden spiral (because fibonacci, duh). He also likes graph puzzles, for some reason.

Fernandez0907's Thirty-Four is an art critic and a curator. Her most proud art piece is a 4x4 magic square.

DeltaMakesArt's 34 likes oil pastels, because 17 likes painting and art in general.

Galaxia the numberblock's 34 is double 17. She has daisies on her eye because she picked some up from the world that makes flowers go to your eyes when you pick them up. And she picked them up cuz she likes collecting things in nature and her favorite flower is the daisy cuz there's a chance it could have 34 petals. How she got flowers on her eye: She decided to go to the weirdcore world randomly cuz she felt like going to a random world. She found daisies on the floor and when she picked them up, they got in her eye! Her eye felt kinda weird with flowers covering it, and half of her vision was covered. She eventually got used to it. And she likes making art of nature from time to time. She has a leaf tail cuz she had it ever since when she first got figured out.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Thirty-Four is double Seventeen. He is known to paint in two styles simultaneously. He is also partially affiliated with the Fibonacci Club (the series that goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc). His signature item is a detachable double-ended brush, similar to dual markers. He also has a tool resembling a spiral. He likes to go to his outback with Twenty-One for inspiration.

Supermdztv1’s Thirty-Four is a dancer and a painter.

Maddox Crabb's Thirty-Four is an artist, like Seventeen, however, unlike him, she paints 34 of everything.

Maksioishere's 34 loves art, especially sculpting or anything that's 3d. Whenever he sees a numberblock become 3d he gets excited. He really loved cubes and wants to be one himself.

TFIExplorer's 34 is 17x2 but not in an array likes painting 34 objects 34 is in love with mutiples of 17


Thirty-Seven is a Numberblock made of 37 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Thirty-Seven is a nurse. At first she was born when 111 splits into three, and she used to think that she is any of One, Ten or One Hundred. But later she figured herself out and found that she is good at nursing, since the threshold of fever is 37°C. She also discovered that she is the difference of adjacent cubes, which means she is a centered hexagonal number!

Dayton2949's Thirty-Seven is a centered hexagonal number, meaning she can make the shape in the image. She likes hexagons as a whole, despite herself being a prime number, and is also known to be quite mysterious sometimes. She's also a skilled nurse.

ThatGuy30722's Thirty-Seven is a centered hexagonal number, meaning she can make the shape in the image. She also works as a nurse who makes Numberblocks feel better when they're sick, by checking that their temperature is 37°C.

Fernandez0907's Thirty-Seven is a nurse, as 37 is the average body temperature. She and Seventy-Three are said to have a secret relationship between each other.

TSRITW's design of Thirty-Seven is a nurse, for reasons similar to ThatGuy30722's.

DanvilleGeorge's design of Thirty-Seven has a sweet tooth. She loves to eat honey.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Thirty-Seven is a nurse, like many other 37s. She has opened a health corner, as 37 is a centered hexagon.

Connorclarke107’s Thirty-Seven is a sailboat! She is the leader of the Boat Club

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Thirty-Seven likes hexagons and cubes as he is 64-27. He is the companion of Twenty-Eight. He actively looks for new types of patterns and develop general formulae related to each category. He wears a hexagonal green mask to identify himself. This mask is believed to have special powers, just like the cube mask and the step mask. And also one thing: What makes the three pattern pioneers special is that their digits all sum up to 10. He likes atomic clocks and would like to share them with Fifty-Five. Fifty-Five's digits sum up to ten too.

Supermdztv1’s Thirty-Seven is an athlete.

Razarthephoenix29's 37 is a great nurse. He is very friendly and helpful.

Maddox Crabb's Thirty-Seven is a nurse, like other 37s. She loves helping Numberblocks when they are sick.

|Maksioishere's 37 likes to cure numberblocks if they are ill or hurt because the average human body temp is 37C. She usually cures them in less then 2 days because she has magic medicine.

|TFIExploer's is a prime and he loves primes his block arrange. is ten and one arrangement so yeah |Ariel123 Ayal456's Thirty-Seven is a conductor with a conductor hat on top and he loves trains.

|TheRock476's is a explorer, she even has her own digital trip! She's also seen every numberblock, and alphablock! 17 secretly has a crush on her!


Thirty-Eight is a Numberblock made of 38 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Thirty-Eight introduces symmetricity. Since he is double Nineteen, he often splits into two Nineteens and make identical or mirrored crazy shapes. When they combine into Thirty-Eight again, he will be an axisymmetric or centrosymmetric shape. Thus, he also loves to make crazy shapes --- but only symmetric ones!

Dayton2949's Thirty-Eight is double Nineteen. He learns about making more advanced crazy shapes than Nineteen, as he is Nineteen's assistant. He is also the leader of marching along with the Numberblobs, as he follows his team of fellow Numberblobs wherever he goes. He also introduces the concept of semiprimes, which is the product of two primes, as he is 2x19, and he also sports a marching flag (Not shown).

ThatGuy30722's Thirty-Eight is double Nineteen, and he introduces the concept of semiprimes—the product of two primes, in his case, Two and Nineteen.

TSRITW's 1st design of Thirty-Eight has eyebrows that are shaped like the number 38. He is not a square or a prime himself, but is the sum of the squares of the first three primes.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Thirty-Eight likes all kinds of shapes, such as squares and hexagons.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Thirty-Eight is a photographer who likes symmetrical crazy shapes. He has a collection of them displayed at the art gallery. Sometimes he takes weird pictures of Numberblocks, which might annoy them.

Fernandez0907's Thirty-Eight is a fit trainer who loves yoga and her yoga poses are crazy shapes! Being more advanced than her sister's.

Sekai.Nene's Thirty-Eight is a witch who can turn anyone into diffrent shapes. She usally does this on accident, but sometimes she gets to sneaky and does it for fun.

Supermdztv1’s Thirty-Eight is a double crazy shaper.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Thirty-Eight is possibly an engineer. She can construct all sorts of things by rearranging her blocks into all sorts of crazy shapes. She introduces the concept of polyominoes and symmetry to others. She likes bilaterally symmetric shapes the most, with the second being two-fold rotational symmetry. She also mentions the existence of rotational symmetry and polyiamonds.

MrQwerty12309’s Thirty-Eight is the ultimate shape maker. Because 38 is both double 19 and 10 more than 28.

Maddox Crabb's Thirty-Eight loves shapeshifing. Her favourite shapes are symmetric shapes.

TFIExplorer's Thirty-Eight is 19x2.


Thirty-Nine is a Numberblock made of 39 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Thirty-Nine is triple Thirteen. She is a bit naughty and usually splits into three Thirteens and makes some mess just for fun. But this sometimes causes herself or others get a fever.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Thirty-Nine is an inventor who never loses confidence in her crazy inventions, even though they usually malfunction and/or explode in her face when somoeone says her name. Although, there was that one time her invention worked properly, but only the other multiples of 13 know about that...

Dodeca D.'s Thirty-Nine is unlucky triple Thirteen, which he splits into when he trips, gets hit or other bad things happen. He's a chef who often cooks bad food, as 13 can be sometimes referred as a baker's dozen. His face is on the bottom, but his blocks of tens are on top of his square face, which he feels that is “very unlucky”.

Dayton2949's Thirty-Nine is Twenty-Six's co-worker, meaning she can be great at finding hidden numbers just like him. She is triple Thirteen, and she has an interest in operating and programming with computers. She also likes Internet slang and chats, as she is the number for the Japanese chat slang for "thank you" when written in numbers—which means that 3 is san, and 9 is kyu!

Fernandez0907's Thirty-Nine is a cane dancer as he is triple Thirteen.

ThatGuy30722's Thirty-Nine is a slapstick stand comedian who tells jokes themed around math. She is triple Thirteen.

Supermdztv1’s Thirty-Nine is a clumsy agent.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Thirty-Nine is an unlucky Numberblock without much personality. When activated (i.e. his name is spoken directly), his microphone gains an unusual voice. After reading an almanac, he wishes to be a singer like a pale pink fluffy, as well as an agent like Twenty-Six. He has yet to discover his talents. He introduces himself as the last member of the Super Thirties and a semiprime. Besides, he also leads the Fordies Club, which end at Forty-Eight, corresponding to the 4d orbital. Formerly, he has a dilemma on whether to recruit 57 or 71 as his successor, but this is now solved. See here for more details.

Sekai.Airi's Thirty-Nine is a virtual star, sometimes preforming with Five (character). (San, is three in Japanesse, which can also be Mi. 9 is Kyuu, so when put together, it can sound like "San Kyuu" Which sounds like "Thank you" or "Mi Kyuu" , Which sounds like the name of a virtual diva in Japan. making my 39 a singer.) Idol by day, agent by night, Thirty-Nine works for MI15 as another job. She apologizes alot, and can even do it during her lives. She also thanks the audience personally after the concert! (Search Miku for the virtual diva)

Maddox Crabb's Thirty-Nine is triple unlucky as he is triple thirteen. Whenever he says his name, he splits into three thirteens, apart from when he's in equations, like in Crossover where Twenty-Six says his name but doesn't split into double thirteen.

TFIExplorer's 39 is triple thirteen


Forty-One is a Numberblock made of 41 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Forty-One is an oblique square (diamond shape) lover, although she is prime. Since she is a centered square, she can arrange in an oblique square shape. She loves to arrange in this shape, and loves everything in oblique square or diamond shape. She founded the centered square club with One, Five, Thirteen, Twenty-Five, Sixty-One and Eighty-Five. Her best friend is Sixty-One. Her main arrangment tells that four step squads plus One equals a centered square.

Fernandez0907's Forty-One is Forty-Three's sister. She and Forty-Three figured themselves out after realizing they were both one-off of a super-duper rectangle. She and her brother both introduces twin primes.

ThatGuy30722's Forty-One is a twin prime. She and her twin brother, Forty-Three, are always thinking the same thing.

TSRITW's 1st design of Forty-One doesn't hate rectangles, he's just not fond of them. He does, however, like prime rib roast.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Forty-One still likes prime rib roasts, and is a sum of primes. He can also be a centered square.

Dodeca D.'s Forty-One is a centered square, known here as a Specialised CS, a relative to the Squares. She is made up of 16+25, two consecutive squares, as seen by her attachment below. She’s also brothers with Sixty-One who is also another Specialised CS. Despite not being true squares, she and the other specialised CS’s can sneeze, but instead of sneezing out blocks, they end up shifting into a random wonky arrangement!

Dayton2949's Forty-One is a centered square, meaning that if you color her blocks like a checkerboard and turn her 45°, you can see that she is 16+25, two consecutive squares. Despite not being a true square, she and the other centered squares can sneeze, but instead of sneezing out blocks, they end up shifting into a random crazy arrangement!

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Forty-One is always trying to get some new members in prime club, using the Sieve of Eratosthenes. She always keeps six Prime Club badges on her to give out to new members, and when there's trouble, she can split into the prime patrol: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13!

DeltaMakesArt's Forty-One hates rectangles. They use their wand to zap rectangles and turn them into primes by removing their array displays. They don't actually know what a centered square is, despite being a centered square themselves, and are reluctant to rearrange into one after being told they're a centered square because "squares have factors and they don't want any factors around here".

Bryce321's 41 is queer, which means he's an odd Numberblock, and also an odd number, which is a coincidence. He is a comedian, and 16 is his comedy partner. He also has mismatched eyebrows to always make everyone laugh. He also has the rainbow LGBTQ+ flag, even though he's not a multiple of 7.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-One is a nerd. Like Thirty-One, she is a prime and a one-off. She can form shapes such as a tilted square. She is also a bit humourous. She is based on a Chinese slang using 'niobium' to mean 'excellent'. As a prime stacker, she can split from 2 to 13. In sexagesimal form, she is known as Zeta, and the nerdy trait goes further with the introduction of the Riemann Zeta Function.

SwapperSwitch's Forty-One is an ice worker who works with his assistant, Eighty-Two.

TFIExplorer's 41


Forty-Three is a Numberblock made of 43 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Forty-Three is really clownish. Firstly he wanted to make rectangles and found that he is a prime number. Then he got interested in chemical elements but he found that 43rd element is radioactive and hardly exists in nature. After that, he thought he will be the number of points in a finite projective plane since 43=62+6+1. However, there is NO such projective plane at all! Finally he gave up to be something mathematical or scientific and dressed up as a monster head. And, he found he is rather more like a goat head!

ThatGuy30722's Forty-Three is a twin prime. He and his twin sister, Forty-One, are always thinking the same thing.

Mike Paul's Fourty-Three is a Monster Trucks And Nascar Fan. he loves nascar and he drives nascar's cars and monster trucks from monster jam.

Fernandez0907's Forty-Three is Forty-One's sister. He and Forty-One figured themselves out after realizing they were both one-off of a super-duper rectangle. He and his sister both introduces twin primes.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-Three is a mad scientist hero. He can use radiation to let others mutate into different forms. He is a twin prime, and is thus suited for alpha decay, though this is never observed. Of course, he often asks Eighty-Two to lend a metal coat for experiments. He once travelled to Colourland and found the elusive Gamma, beyond Ultraviolet and X. He is based on the radioactivity of technetium, a transition metal in the fifth period.

Razarthephoenix29's Forty-Three loves skating with 14, but 41 always gets her into trouble.

Idkwhattodoyeet's Forty-Three is based on the radioactivity of technetium.


Forty-Four is a Numberblock made of 44 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Forty-Four stands for the semifinals. She can split into four football teams and play the semifinal, two to compete with each other, and the winners in two matches competes in the final. She can also be the referee in semifinals.

ThatGuy30722's Forty-Four loves tournaments. He can be four Elevens, two to compete with each other, and whoever wins each match competes in the finals!

Fernandez0907's Forty-Four loves tournaments. He can split into four football teams, two of them competing with the other two teams.

SwapperSwitch's Forty-Four is a quadruple football player! He can split into four Elevens. And he's got a trick up his sleeve. He can split into two Twenty-Twos!

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-Four is a tournament host. He can split into four Elevens in red, blue, green and yellow. They represent the four teams of the football tournament. This works because four is two squared. His eyebrows also resemble those of Forty as per my rules of multiples of repdigits and cyclic numbers. He is a friend of a female alter-ego of Fifty-Five which has a multi-coloured star and eyes of different sizes. Together, they feel like playing football in space without gravity is an exotic but interesting idea.


Forty-Six is a Numberblock made of 46 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Forty-Six introduces the linkage of chains. Since Twenty-Three stands for the "ring" finger in Five Fingers Club, Forty-Six is related to "double ring", or a pair of linked rings. He likes to link rings together to make a chain. He is also interested in biology and gender science!

ThatGuy30722's Forty-Six is a number biologist. She likes experimenting with numbers--especially prime numbers.

TSRITW's design of Forty-Six is a mountain climber who is climbed the "46 peaks". He is also interested in double helices.

Fernandez0907's Forty-Six is a number biologist who loves experimenting with Numberblocks and study their properties.

Razarthephoenix29's Forty-Six is like Thirty-Seven, and his friend is Twenty-Three.

Idkwhattodoyeet's Forty-Six is a number biologist who is happy being herself. She is also 23’s mother, and the chromosomes on her lab coat are orange because she is 23*2.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-Six is a biologist, shepherd and pioneer. He likes playing with sheep and hanging out with Forty-One, under the pseudonym Lambda. He has an accessory codon cube for decoding data. Additionally, he is the smallest composite number not appearing in the 20 by 20 times table.


Forty-Seven is a Numberblock made of 47 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

ThatGuy30722's Forty-Seven is really good with alien technology, and he often helps Fifty-Five out with his interplanetary travel. He is a prime number, and he acts like if a sci-fi space copilot was somehow stuck in Numberland.

Dodeca D.'s Forty-Seven prefers to be a wall flower and go unnoticed, which interferes with the Numberblocks’ friendships with her. She tends to try to hide her face whenever she blushes or feels uncomfortable. Clearly, she is shy, but once you break through her thick outer shell, she's very nice and a worthy character. Also, she has a fascination with anything that's made of silver, as she's the atomic number of silver. And she’s one less than mega rectangle Forty-Eight, can arrange into a chippy square (Which is two less than a square number) and is also a Leapfrog/Lucas Number.

JingzheChina's Forty-Seven is a cute girl who loves pink and her pet phrase is "Pinky-pinky". She might be figured out in the Five Fingers Club founded by Five, and she corresponds to the pinky finger of a hand. The other members of the club are Two, Five, Eleven, Twenty-Three, respectively.

Dayton2949's Forty-Seven is prime, and she loves to play her harp all day, as she is the number of strings on an average concert harp. She wears a silver headband to show that she is the atomic number for silver. She also HATES it when other numbers get easily annoyed and tell her to stop playing her harp, no matter how well she plays it. She also is fond of sci-fi.

Fernandez0907's Forty-Seven is really good with alien technology, and he often helps Fifty-Five out with his interplanetary travel. He acts like if a sci-fi space copilot was somehow stuck in Numberland.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-Seven is a noblewoman. She collects a lot of accessories made of noble metals and is quite humble. Though she is usually friendly, she hates Twenty-Seven a bit because the latter is a perfect power. Semiprimes? She doesn't care a lot. Super rectangles? No grudges, but still considered anomalous. Perfect powers? Just a slightly larger problems than super rectangles. As a result, she has to do deal with Forty-Eight most of the time.


Forty-Eight is a Numberblock made of 48 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

Ramonthefunway's Forty-Eight is a highly composite super duper speedy super duper rectangle with ten divisors. and is 4x12 or 6x8. 6x8 is nearly a golden rectangle

JingzheChina's Forty-Eight is a highly composite rectangle, with ten factors. He just looks like an enlarged Twelve. He is male and fast like Eighteen, but he is much calmer than Eighteen. To some extent, he can be a hero like Octoblock.

ThatGuy30722's Forty-Eight has 10 factors, making him even more powerful than a super-duper rectangle—he is a mega rectangle! He acts somewhat aggressive, tough, and cocky, and loves to race on the Rays Track.

TSRITW's 1st design of Forty-Eight is very rich, because 48 in Chinese numerology means "determined to prosper". He's also fond of cubes because they have 48 symmetries.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Forty-Eight is a "multiplication master", and knows all the factorization terminology. He knows a secret to finding the number of rectangles a Numberblock can make, but that requires knowledge of a certain operation that they don't know yet...

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Forty-Eight is a super-duper-hyper rectangle with 10 factors. He tries to be tough, but is actually quite nerdy, especially when it comes to superhero comics. His catchphrase is "soupity-doopity-loopity".

Fernandez0907's Forty-Eight is not only a super-duper rectangle, but a super-duper-hyper rectangle! Having more factors than Twenty-Four, he is even a one-off of a square!

DeltaMakesArt's Forty-Eight is also a hyper rectangle, like other Forty-Eights. He's 41's arch-nemesis. (or arch-hero? 41 is the bad one)

DeltaMakesArt's 2nd Forty-Eight likes regular polyhedra. He also likes rectangles. But he likes polyhedra more.

5&5=weirdxcharacter's 48 is his grandma. She loves pinocle, and playing with 42.

PiNumberblocksBasherFan's Forty-Eight is a hyper rectangle. She loves to call the super duper rectangles 'ultra rectangles' for short. With 10 factors, she is highly composite. Along with 24 and 120, 48 is the number of faces in 'disdyakis'/'meta' (in Conway notation) polyhedra. Thus, they can create large dice with ease. She is also the successor of Twenty-Six, teaching the other Numberblocks the 48 letters from Alpha to Omega. For unknown reasons, she suspects that Forty-Nine stole her Ender-Sigma which is to be used at the end of a word.

Fanmade Designs

Fifty-One is a Numberblock made of 51 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-One is triple Seventeen. He introduces the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow, and he paints with the primary colors. He can arrange in a catty head since he is two more than a square. He is also a member of 1-Enders Club as a centered pentagonal number.

DanvilleGeorge's Fifty-One is triple Seventeen. She loves to paint using the primary colors because there are three of them; red, yellow, and blue.

TSRITW's Fifty-One practices the art of machinery. He makes remote-controlled aircrafts, specifically drones. He's so talented you could mistake one of his creations for a UFO.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-One is a clown makeup artist since she is 17x3. She also has this weird obsession with aliens…and pentagons?

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-One is really good with alien technology, and he often helps Fifty-Five out with his interplanetary travel. He is triple Seventeen, and he acts like if a sci-fi space copilot was somehow stuck in Numberland.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-One is a make-up artist, as she is 3x17. She also loves alien.

Serenity the DWtD Fan's Fifty-One is an astronaut who loves aliens, planets, stars, rockets and exploring in outer space, he is not that good at making art depsite being a multiple of 17

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Fifty-One is an artist that likes eye makeup, because she is the atomic number of antimony and also 3*17. She also likes aliens, and hangs out with the atomic numbers of other pnictogens, especially Thirty-Three, Fifteen, and Eighty-Three.


Fifty-Two is a Numberblock made of 52 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-Two is quadruple Thirteen. If somebody says "Thirteen", she will split into four Thirteens and then four Tens and four Threes. Then four Tens make Forty and four Threes make Twelve, which make Fifty-Two again. She also loves card games! But she doesn't like Jokers in playing cards.

DanvilleGeorge’s design for Fifty-Two loves to use cards because there are 52 playing cards in a deck. She occasionally plays card games with her brother Fifty Four.

TSRITW's Fifty-Two is a card dealer. He likes playing card games of all kinds.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Two loves card games! She has a deck of 52 cards. She’s also quadruple Thirteen, and the number of weeks in a year.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Two loves card games, as a card deck has 52 cards.

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-Two is a huge fan of card games, usually being a dealer and handing out sets of cards to other Numberblocks. She’s also the number of weeks in a year and is quadruple Thirteen, meaning that she’s double Twenty-Six, making her an agent-like figure.

Maddox Crabb's Fifty-Two is quadruple unlucky as she is quadruple Thirteen. Apart from equations, whenever someone, including herself, says her name, she splits into four Thirteens, then the Thirteens say, "Quadruple Thirteen!" causing them to split.


Fifty-Three is a Numberblock made of 53 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-Three is quite hearty. He loves clubs like Twenty-Nine, and is the founder of Square with Spikes Club. His best friend is Twenty-Nine, since they both love clubs and can arrange in a square with spikes.

DanvilleGeorge's design for Fifty-Three loves to drink iced tea. He also resembles a juice box, his 5 ten blocks resemble the container while his 3 unit blocks resemble the straw.

TSRITW's design of Fifty-Three is an astronaut who thought of 53 more things to do in zero gravity. She's also interested in bears, for some reason.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Three introduces number bases—the idea of a different number other than Ten getting the “one big 10-block” privilege. For example if the number we call 16 got this privilege (this is known as base 16, or hexadecimal), then 53 would become 35—he’s three sixteens and five (as seen by his shape)!.

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-Three is a very curious prime number. What she is mainly curious about is about imagining if other Numberblocks had the “Big Ten Block” aspect. She introduces bases, in this case, she’s sixteen blocks high with five blocks left over. If each group of the sixteen blocks were instead interpreted into base-16, she would become 35 - three Sixteens and five Ones, which we would call it Thirxen-Five!

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Three introduces bases: The concept of another number taking Ten's role. In this case, if Sixteen takes Ten's role, then he becomes 53. The same digits but reversed.

TBA's Fifty-Three is a professional wrestler as she is based on Charlotte Flair


Fifty-Four is a Numberblock made of 54 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-Four is a super duper rectangle. Since she is double Twenty-Seven, she can be a 3x3x6 cuboid, and she loves cuboids. She also loves card games like Fifty-Two, but she rather likes to play card game WITH jokers.

DanvilleGeorge's Fifty-Four is double Twenty-Seven. He loves cuboids because he can be a 3x6x3 cuboid.

TSRITW's Fifty-Four likes cuboids, and can become one herself. Her emblem on her blocks that can be removed and transformed into floating bridges and back.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Four is a super-duper rectangle that is 6x9. She is a wise old owl-esque figure. She’s also the surface area of Twenty-Seven’s cube “with a Nine on each face”, and this is how she would be introduced in her debut in the six times table episode.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Fifty-Four is a super duper rectangle who likes folding and unfolding 3D shapes. Her "squares" can be removed and rearranged, but if the arrangement isn't a legit unfolding of a cube, she becomes an evil version of herself that wants to turn everything flat (like flatam from odd squad).

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-Four is not a cube but rather a cuboid. She takes 3 dimensions to a whole new level that she demonstrates that Numberblocks can be arranged in 3D shapes, like Eighteen being arranged as a rectangular prism.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Four loves cuboids because he is double Twenty-Seven and wishes to be a superhero like her.

XhanLu's Fifty-Four is usually a super rectangle, but when help is needed he can split into 2 super cubes, and save the day! He is also the founder of cuboid club.

Idkwhattodoyeet's Fifty-Four likes noble gas compounds, because she is the atomic number of xenon. She can also be a cuboid.


Fifty-Six is a Numberblock made of 56 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

Ramonthefunway's Fifty Six is 7x8 and 8x7, He also has rainbow hair bunches like Forty-Nine, When 7x8 or 8x7, first hair bunch (red) second hair bunch (orange) third hair bunch (yellow) fourth hair bunch (green) fifth hair bunch (cyan) sixth hair bunch (indigo) seventh hair bunch (violet) and eighth hair bunch (pink).

JingzheChina's Fifty-Six is a super duper rectangle. She is interested in ethnic cultures, since there are fifty-six ethnic groups in China. Her hat is like some traditional clothing, and has eight rainbow-colored tassels, which means she is eight Sevens. She is also a 3D step squad, made of 1st to 6th normal step squads!

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Six takes Step Squads to a whole new dimension: the Super Step Squads! A squad made of squads! He is a superhero like Octoblock and Twenty-Seven.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Six uses the power of luck to save the day, by splitting into his teams of eight Sevens or seven Eights. He’s also a super-duper rectangle. Despite these super abilities, he actually acts rather modest and friendly, maybe even a bit shy.

TSRITW's 1st design of Fifty-Six is based on Typhon, as the regular pentacontakaihexagon is associated with it. He also has a really menacing aura.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Fifty-Six calls himself a "rainbow octopus". What some of the other Numberblocks didn't know is that four of his limbs are fake.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Fifty-Six sells ice creams in 56 flavors. Her ice cream cones are shaped like tetrahedrons, and she introduces the concept of tetrahedronal numbers.


Fifty-Seven is a Numberblock made of 57 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-Seven is triple Nineteen, but much more maverick than Nineteen! She can make the projective plane PG(2,7), and also an abstract polytope "57-cell", in a very weird way. Sometimes she behaves like Nineteen's mother or elder sister. She often takes Nineteen for bizarre number adventure and makes Nineteen not only a one-off, but also a factor of various delicate structures. However, she gets mad when being mistaken for a prime.

DanvilleGeorge's design for Fifty-Seven is triple Nineteen. She's usually calm and relaxed, but there are some occasions where she acts like a crazier version of Three. She's also a picky eater and only eats these 57 foods.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Seven loves crosses! He can make a very large, thin cross because he is One more than a multiple of Four. He can also make a smaller, thicker cross (as shown in the picture) because he is Nine more than a multiple of Twelve. He is also triple Nineteen, and dislikes being mistaken for a prime and loves ketchup.

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-Seven is triple Nineteen, but loves a particular shape more that most crazy shape - crosses! He can be a really big, thin cross, or a smaller, chunkier cross. He’s a semi prime, which means that he can only make four rectangles.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Seven loves crosses as she is not just one more than a multiple of four but also nine more than a super-duper-hyper rectangle!

TSRITW's design of Fifty-Seven is a chef who specializes in sauce, and he can go crazy with his recipes. His eyes are in the shape of icosagons because 57 is an icosagonal number.


Fifty-Eight is a Numberblock made of 58 blocks.


  • Their name was mentioned in Double Back by Two, as he said “1:58”

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Fifty-Eight is double Twenty-Nine. He loves to campare and pair up various clubs. In his opinion, many clubs has their "couples", e.g. Odd Club and Even Club, or Square Club and Step Squad Club, and so on. He compares the similarities as well as differences between the pair of clubs, and teaches people how to distinguish them.

DanvilleGeorge's Fifty-Eight is double Twenty-Nine. He wears glasses like Two does, but his glasses are made of copper; that's because he's copper's atomic number times two. He's also fascinated by numbers that are two times a square as he is 2 x (2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2) or 8 + 18 + 32.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Eight is double Twenty-Nine. He is a bouncer/security guard, making sure no one gets in a club treehouse unless they’re in the club.

Dodeca D.'s Fifty-Eight is double Twenty-Nine, so he is also a fan of clubs. He likes thinking of more advanced clubs than just squares and steps. Lots of crazy clubs like Tower with Windows, Square Stackers, Tetra Squads, other digit-enders and even the Superstar Fifties! He also acts as a guard to the clubhouses, making sure that no one gets in unless they’re part of the club.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Eight is a bouncer who guards clubs to make sure no one gets in the wrong club. The clubs he is part of are: Even Tops, Semiprime Club, the Superstar Fifties, the Eight-Enders and everyone's favorite: Made Of Ones! He also thinks he is the luckiest number (obviously not).

TSRITW's 1st design of Fifty-Eight is quite confused. ("Otte­og­halvtreds".) He also thinks he's the luckiest number ever (he's not).

TSRITW's 2nd design of Fifty-Eight is good with clubs, but not much else. He also thinks he's the luckiest number ever (he's not).


Fifty-Nine is a Numberblock made of 59 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

Ramonthefunway's Fifty-Nine is a prime number that is very, very, very sleepy! He is one-off from being an ultra rectangle thus a "one-off". He has procrastination and always does things to the last minute to a new hour or the last second to a new minute. often falls asleep (even during daytime) as he is the last second before a minute and the last minute before a hour. Due to his peculiar behavior, almost no other Numberblock knows how did he figured himself out.

JingzheChina's Fifty-Nine is a prime number. He is always one less than a highly composite rectangle, thus a "one-less". He has procrastination and always does things to the last minute or the last second. He likes to bite things, just like M in Alphablocks.

DanvilleGeorge's design for Fifty-Nine is a prime who's one less than Sixty. He's always sleepy and he has an alarm clock glued to his body. The number 59 is the last minute before a new hour, as well as the last second before a new minute.

ThatGuy30722's Fifty-Nine is forgetful and procrastinates, putting everything off to the last minute, sometimes even the last second. She is especially always late to Prime Club meetings, which seriously irritates her fellow primes. She is also one less than an ultra rectangle.

Fernandez0907's Fifty-Nine is a very sleepy boy, only staying awake for only a single minute!

TSRITW's design of Fifty-Nine is a prized mathematics student who uses a programmable calculator. However, he's awful at time management, procrastinates often, and plans and does things to the last second.


Sixty-One is a Numberblock made of 61 blocks.

Fan made designs

Ramonthefunway's Sixty-One is vertical and horizontal at once! Since he can make lots of highly symmetric shapes, like rhombus, house shape, and round shape. He is also the number of codons in nucleic acids which are not termination, and the total number of elementary particles. His best friends are Forty-One, Fifty-Nine, and Ninety-Eight. When he is in round shape, Thirteen, Forty-Three and Forty-Seven are afraid of him.

JingzheChina's Sixty-One is very talented, since he can make lots of highly symmetric shapes, like centered square, house shape, and round shape. He is also the number of codons in nucleic acids which are not termination, and the total number of elementary particles. His best friend is Forty-One in the centered square club. He always protects and even has a crush on her. When he is in round shape, Four is afraid of him.

DanvilleGeorge's design for Sixty-One is a prime who's one more than Sixty. He's a centered square because he's (4 x 15) + 1 or 5^2 + 6^2. He always brings a box of tissues with him because he has a tickly nose and sneezes from time to time.

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-One is a centered square. If you color her blocks like a checkerboard and turn her 45°, you can see that she is 36+25, two consecutive squares.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-One invented her own type of square: the Centered Square! A shape that consists of four step squads arranged into a square with a extra block in the middle.

TSRITW's design of Sixty-One has a flame, because 61 is the atomic number for promethium. She can also be a centered square.


Sixty-Two is a Numberblock made of 62 blocks.


JingzheChina's Sixty-Two is double Thirty-One, which means he also loves calenders. He love the summer vacation (July and August) and winter vacation (December and January) the most. He also like icosahedronal-symmetric polyhedra, e.g. dodecahedron and icosahedron.

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Two loves polyhedra—3D shapes made of faces, edges, and vertices. His favorites are the dodecahedron, the icosahedron, rhombicosidodecahedron and the truncated icosidodecahedron.

Dodeca D.'s Sixty-Two is a huge fan of polyhedra - three dimensional shapes made of faces, edges and vertices. Some of his favourites include the dodecahedron, the icosahedron, and more.

TSRITW's design of Sixty-Two may seem like a normal block at first, but secretly, she likes dodecahedrons and icosahedrons, because 62 is the sum of the number of faces, edges, and vertices of those two Platonic solids. She also likes summer and winter.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Two loves polyhedra: the 3D equivalent of polygons. His most favorites are the dodecahedron and icosahedron.

Mdos5's Sixty-Two loves polyhedra - which are 3D shapes made of faces, edges, and vertices. He is also double Thirty-One, which means that he also likes calenders.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Sixty-Two is anxious about being one off from Sixty-Three, because she is an odd super rectangle and he is the double of a prime. Forty-Six affirms him though, as she is one off from another odd super rectangle, albeit in the opposite direction, and double Twenty-Three. He also likes samarium’s (probable, albeit unconfirmed) radioactivity, because he is its atomic number, and loves calendars.


Sixty-Three is a Numberblock made of 63 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

Ramonthefunway's Sixty Three is 7x9 and 9x7, He also has rainbow hair bunches like Forty-Nine, When 7x9 or 9x7, first hair bunch (red) second hair bunch (orange) third hair bunch (yellow) fourth hair bunch (green) fifth hair bunch (cyan) sixth hair bunch (indigo) seventh hair bunch (violet) eighth hair bunch (pink) and ninth hair bunch (light gray, gray, and dark gray).

JingzheChina's Sixty-Three introduces binary trees. The number of nodes of a FULL binary tree is always one less than a doubler. Her appearance, especially the color and style of her limbs, refers to a tree. She has seven tree canopies in rainbow colors on her head, and seven rainbow twigs as her fringe, each of which has nine leaves, showing that she is seven times nine. She is also the first odd super rectangle without an eye mask. When she is not in 7-rowed arrangement, the twigs may disappear, but the tree canopies does not disappear.

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Three is one off of 8x8, and she’s 7x9, one less than 8 times one more than 8. She demonstrates that this is true for every number that’s one off from a square. She’s also a super rectangle, and the second one to be odd (the first being 45).

Dodeca D.'s Sixty-Three is one less than square Sixty-Four - but don’t worry, he is nine lots of Seven, or triple Twenty-One. He shows that numbers that are one less than a power of Two can be special, especially with primes (Although this isn't shown fully until 127 comes).

TSRITW's 1st design of Sixty-Three is not only 7 less than 70, but also one less than 64. He sometimes plays multiplayer with Sixty-Four, but only beats him in the luck-based games.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Sixty-Three is not only one less than 64, but also the sum of the first six doublers (1+2+4+8+16+32).

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's 63 is a video gamer, and is colleagues with 64, helping her with her inventions. He can split into a big team of doublers, or 9 little teams of doublers.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Three is one less than a square but he is actually a super rectangle! That is because he is 9x7, one more than 8 times one less than 8. He loves finding numbers that are one less than a square.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Sixty-Three is 9*7, and is a lucky odd super rectangle because of that. She is also interested in radioactivity, because she is likely the first super rectangle to be the atomic number of a radioactive element. (Europium-153 is observationally stable, and its only other primordial isotope, Europium-151, is slightly radioactive.) She also likes red because of the same reason.


Sixty-Five is a Numberblock made of 65 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Sixty-Five is five times Thirteen. He can break into five Tens and five Threes, and Fifty and Fifteen make him up again. He can also break into 11+12+13+14+15. But his favorite is to break into two squares (just like Forty-Five in Square on the Moon), because he is the smallest number having two different ways to break into two distinct squares!

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Five is a retired musician, because he is 5x13. This old has-been is no longer very good at performing, and whenever he tries, he gets into an unlucky situation. He’s also 11+12+13+14+15, and the smallest number made of two distinct squares in two different ways (1 and 64, or 16 and 49).

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Five tries to be a musician but when he tries, he gets into an unlucky situation, as he is 5x13.


Sixty-Six is a Numberblock made of 66 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Six is the eleventh step squad, and he is the very encouraging coach (and manager) for a football team of One to Eleven. He is also six Elevens, eleven Sixes, double Thirty-Three, and triple Twenty-Two.

JingzheChina's Sixty-Six is a step squad. He was a football player and secret agent. One copy of him took part in a football championship, but had an accident and died in a match. It was also said that the genuine cause of death of that copy is a secret action. Whatever, his other copies, including the Sixty-Sixes made from other numberblocks, are still alive, but lose the qualification for the football championship.

TSRITW's design of Sixty-Six is Fifty-Five's older brother. He likes doing exercise and loves hexagons.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's 66 is a football coach that can be a team of One to Eleven. His voice sounds a bit like Fifty-Five, and he somewhat acts like a parental figure to Cloudy's Thirty-Three.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Six is Fifty-Five's sister as both are multiples of Eleven and also step squads.


Sixty-Seven is a Numberblock made of 67 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Sixty-Seven is a rectangle with spikes. Actually, she is a prime number and does not have impressive property, she could do nothing and had no friends at beginning. But everything changed when she met Fifty-Three. Being a square with spikes, Fifty-Three suddenly found Sixty-Seven could be a super rectangle with spikes, i.e. four more than an odd super rectangle. From then on, Sixty-Seven became confident and has courage to make friends. She even found that she is roughly two thirds of One Hundred!

DanvilleGeorge's design for Sixty-Seven is roughly two thirds of One Hundred. His favorite food is pizza.

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Seven is a cowgirl who loves to round ‘em up! She introduces rounding numbers and estimating. She is 2/3 of One Hundred, rounded to the nearest whole number. She is another prime number, and she often sports a lasso (not shown).

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Seven is a cowgirl who loves to round things up with her trusty lasso. She introduces rounding and estimates since she is 2/3 of One Hundred.


Sixty-Eight is a Numberblock made of 68 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Sixty-Eight is a super rectangle... but well, always TOO LONG in rectangle shape, i.e. the longer side is always larger than the square of shorter side. That is why she is NOT proud being a super rectangle. Besides that, she is good at pixel art painting --- Seventeen is a painter, and pixels are square, like Four. She is also good at painting big things --- she just looks like an enlarged Seventeen.

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Eight is a super rectangle that is quadruple Seventeen (and double Thirty-Four). She is…not a very good artist. However, she is completely oblivious to it, saying you’d know how amazing her art is if you could understand true art.

TSRITW's design of Sixty-Eight helps answer Sixty-Seven's questions. She's also a gastronome and sometimes suggest new items for restaurants. She can also make pixel art.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Eight is a wall painter, as Seventeen is a painter and walls are, obviously, rectangular.


Sixty-Nine is a Numberblock made of 69 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Sixty-Nine loves anything with rotational symmetricity, so he likes to arrange in a highly rotational shape (an octagon?), since his numberling is centrosymmetric in some fonts. He is also three Twenty-Threes, which means he is also interested in linkage of three rings (see JingzheChina's setting of Forty-Six), in which there are interesting topology!

ThatGuy30722's Sixty-Nine loves anything with rotational symmetry (looks the same upside down), such as his pair of Numberlings. For some reason, whenever he says his name, other numbers end up laughing.

Dodeca D.'s Sixty-Nine is very special: see his pair of numberlings below? The 9 looks like a number 6 but turned upside down. That’s where he gets his purpose - he loves anything with rotational symmetry where something looks the same upside down if the symmetry is repeated correctly. He has four legs, but only two of them can work at a time. If he wants to get his other legs moving, he needs to flip himself upside down, thus causing the other pair of legs to stop working! He even has two mouths which function the same as the legs. He is also a comedian as he is triple 23, and also a nod to how 69 is considered a “funny number” by many.

Fernandez0907's Sixty-Nine loves rotational symmetry since his Numberling is the same digit but with one of them upside-down.

ThatSaoPauloFan's Sixty-Nine loves memes due to the 69 meme. When he tells a meme, the Numberblocks usually make meme sounds. He also loves being upside-down.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Sixty-Nine loves jokes and memes because she’s triple 23 and also considered a “funny number.” She also loves symmetry, and likes 27 and 13, as they are in her aliquot sequence.


Seventy-One is a Numberblock made of 71 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-One is a prime number and always one-off from a rectangle whenever standing 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 blocks wide. That makes him never satisfy with ease, and is always vigilant. He thinks those numberblocks which are rectangle is too comfortable to work hard, and he rather likes to arrange in more alarmed patterns, e.g. butterfly (one less than two times step), or "seven steps plus one" (refer to centered heptagonal numbers), to alert himself never to stop here.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-One is prime, and when he stands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 blocks wide, he is exactly one more or one less than a rectangle! Being so close to so many rectangles has made him insane.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-One greatly dislikes rectangles, due to him being one-off when standing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 blocks wide. He also loves keyboards as he is the number of characters that can be used in a keyboard.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Seventy-One hates rectangles. Well, “hate” may be too strong, but he definitely doesn’t like them. He is, however, the atomic number of lutecium, therefore he has a French accent. He also likes heptagons.


Seventy-Two is a Numberblock made of 72 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Two is a highly composite rectangle. She can make lots of shapes like Sun Wukong, including rectangle ones and non-rectangle ones. Although she is a girl, she is extremely lively just like Eighteen. The colors of her eyes stands for Eight and Nine, since she is 8x9.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Two has 12 arrays, making her the second “ultra rectangle” (the first being Sixty). She is a gymnast/runner/Olympian athlete, gracefully floating through the air on her rays, and staying fit by switching through her rectangles as exercise. She is very strong, like Eight and Nine, since she’s Eight times Nine!

210's Brizzare Advantures's Seventy-Two is a waitress of Numberland Hotel. She is well-known as "Fastest Rectangle" in Numberland hotel since she is very speedy (perhaps because she is four times Eighteen). Her magenta and gray hat refers to the fact that 72=8x9.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Seventy-Two is a hyper rectangle that loves 3-string Numberblocks (numberblocks that can become ones by only splitting in half or splitting in three), and usually hangs out with them. When something happens between Numberblocks that aren't 3-string, he usually remarks that it's "none of his business", which may come off as rude to some.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Two is not only a super-duper-hyper rectangle but an ultra rectangle! Having more factors than Forty-Eight. He is very strong too, as he is the product of two strong numbers: Eight and Nine.

TSRITW's 1st design of Seventy-Two is a businessman who likes to talk about natural logarithms.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Seventy-Two is Forty-Eight's apprentice in factorization.

DaGreenBoi's 72 is close to a super duper mega rectangle, but is just classified as a super duper rectangle.


Seventy-Three is a Numberblock made of 73 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Three is a yellow-hatted rainbow hero and his main arrangement is 3C+(7×10)C. He often help others to get rid of unhealthy relationships and find the true love. Even though he is a prime, he can fit in many patterns, such as centered dodecagon, star shape and so on. He is also the number of points in PG(2,8). He is even palindromic in BOTH binary and balanced trinary! At night, he will become an ACE squad, with Administrator Forty-Five, Cracker Thirteen, and Examiner Fifteen, for some secret action.

Asaki88bbff's Seventy-Three is half an octahedron 146, and 1/5 of a year. He can also arrange in the centered-hexagonal lemon shape!

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Three is a star number, meaning he can make the shape in the image. He’s also the 21st prime—and coincidentally, 21 is the product of his digits (7 times 3). He thinks he’s the best number like 3, and he’s also Thirty-Seven’s boyfriend—there is so much that brings them together!

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Three is a star number, meaning he can make a 3D shape resembling a six-pointed star. He and Thirty-Seven are said to have a secret relationship between each other.


Seventy-Four is a Numberblock made of 74 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Four is a head nurse. At first she was born when 111 splits into three Thirty-Sevens and two Thirty-Sevens made Seventy-Four, and she used to think that she is any of Eleven, One Hundred and One or One Hundred and Ten. But as soon as Thirty-Seven figured herself as a nurse, Seventy-Four also figured out that she can be a head nurse. She can split into two Thirty-Sevens for nursing. She could be tough sometimes, since Seventy-Four is the atomic number of tungsten.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Four is a meteorologist, meaning she studies the weather and is a weatherman. She is double Thirty-Seven, and she especially likes hurricanes, as their winds need to be blowing at least 74 mph to be considered one.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Four is a weatherwoman as she is the minimum speed a hurricane can go. She also loves ships, her favorite being warships.

TSRITW's design of Seventy-Four likes bringing up ideas, because ideas are associated with lightbulbs, and 74 is the atomic number of tungsten. He also likes the letter W and warships, and is Thirty-Seven's assistant in medicine.

DanvilleGeorge's design of Seventy-Four researches hurricanes. He's a semiprime because he's a prime multiplied by another prime, being 2×37.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Seventy-Four is the head doctor. She also likes hurricanes, because she is the minimum speed one can go, and likes the letter W, bringing up ideas, and warships because she’s tungsten’s atomic number. She also has this “wolf cream” because tungsten is also called wolfram.


Seventy-Five is a Numberblock made of 75 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Five is an odd super rectangle. He is also three quarter of One Hundred, so he loves to arrange in the L-shape. His eyebrows refers to three quarters of a square. Besides this, he also loves wearing his trousers!

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Five introduces percentages. She is the three-quarter mark to One Hundred. She is also a super rectangle (and the third one to be odd).

Dodeca D.'s Seventy-Five loves percentages! And also introduces them, too. His eyes are shaped like three quarters of a square as he is the three quarter mark to One Hundred. He also loves playing bingo, teaching the Twenty-Five-multiples how to play it. He is triple Twenty-Five.

TSRITW's design of Seventy-Five likes playing bingo with the other multiples of five. His glasses are L-shaped because 75% is three quarters.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Five introduces percentages, as he is one quarter less than One Hundred. He also loves bingo.


Seventy-Six is a Numberblock made of 76 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Six is quadruple Nineteen, so she is also a shape shifter. Like Thirty-Eight, she loves shapes which are both horizontal and vertical symmetric. Her favorite shape is octagon, since she is a truncated square number. She is also a bit narcissistic, because the square of 76 also ends in 76!

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Six loves squares with holes in, and can be a really big one! She is a super rectangle, and quadruple Nineteen. She shows that everyone who can make a square with a hole in is always a multiple of Four. She also has an American accent, a nod to how 76 is big in American culture due to being founded in 1776.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Six is the leader of a parade consisting of Numberblobs wielding trombones and various instruments. She also has a American accent.

TSRITW's design of Seventy-Six leads a parade with a team of 76 trombone players and plenty of four-legged animals.


Seventy-Seven is a Numberblock made of 77 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Seven is a lucky football player. She can split in rainbow Elevens, and then rainbow football teams for a round robin. She also introduces golden rectangles, since 7 and 11 are successive Lucas numbers and thus 11/7 is very close to the golden ratio.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Seven is very superstitious and loves lucky charms. He’s Seven times Eleven, both prime, making him a semiprime. Seven and Eleven also rhyme, which Seventy-Seven unsurprisingly remarks as “lucky”. He also isn’t divisible by Two, Three, or Five, but his status as seven tens and seven ones makes it clear that he’s seven elevens—which he also unsurprisingly remarks as “lucky”. He is also made of three consecutive squares (16+25+36).

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Seven is very happy-go-lucky and loves lucky charms. Ironically, his divisors, Seven and Eleven, both end in "even", even though he is odd.

Mdos5's Seventy-Seven is 11 times 7! He likes to make lucky charms and give then to a Numberblock to make them lucky, if it is an emergency or just for fun. He also likes football, but barely plays it because of his lucky charm process.

JSONexe150's Seventy-Seven is double lucky than Seven. When his friends are in an unfortunate situation, he can make the situation better, thanks to his seven colourful four-leaf clovers.


Seventy-Eight is a Numberblock made of 78 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Eight is a step squad, and also six times Thirteen. She was discovered and figured out just after the show ended in "The Twelve Days of Christmas", and One was curious what if all the twelve added up. Twelve told everyone to pair and make six Thirteens, and they split to six Tens and six Threes, which formed Sixty and Eighteen and moreover they made Seventy-Eight. Compared with splitting in Thirteens, she prefers to be a step squad and study everything in twelve, like twelve months, twelve zodiac signs, twelve marks on the clock, twelve earthly branches, and so on!

TSRITW's design of Seventy-Eight is the twelfth triangle, and is very jolly. When he does the Step Squad thing, however, the star on the Five remains.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Eight is both the 12th Step Squad and a multiple of Twenty-Six, so it shouldn’t surprise you that he’s a secret agent. Well actually, he’s more of a talent agent, who loves to see what hidden talents you’ve got! He’s also a super-duper rectangle made of six Thirteens and double Thirty-Nine, and he's quite fond of "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

DanvilleGeorge's design of Seventy-Eight is triple Twenty-Six or the sum of One to Twelve. Agent 78 wears a platinum hat and tie because 78 is the atomic number for platinum.

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Eight is a talent agent who loves to see what hidden talents the volunteers have to show. He also fond of "The Twelve Days Of Chirstmas".

Giancarlo Lo Tito XXVVC's Seventy-Eight she is based on Asuka from WWE

Maddox Crabb's Seventy-Eight is six times unlucky as she is 6×13. Apart from when she's in equations, whenever someone, including herself, says her name, she splits into six Thirteens, then the Thirteens say, "Six Thirteens," causing them to split into six Tens and six Threes. Despite her unluckiness, she also has a step squad mask and boots because 78 is the 12th triangular number.


Seventy-Nine is a Numberblock made of 79 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Seventy-Nine is a prime number. He really loves gold because 79 is the atomic number of gold, and he is fittingly a gold miner. He is also a rectangle with spikes (see JingzheChina's Sixty-Seven), and an emirp.

ThatGuy30722's Seventy-Nine is a gold miner. He’s the atomic number of gold. He can make a lattice shape for panning for gold. He also likes emirps—primes where you can reverse the digits and get another prime.

Dodeca D.'s Seventy-Nine is the atomic number of gold. He loves gold, and is fittingly a gold miner. He even pans for gold too! He also love emirps, which are primes that stay prime if the digits are reversed (In this case, his digits can be reversed to make 97).

Fernandez0907's Seventy-Nine is a gold miner, as he is the atomic number of that ore. He also introduces emirps.


Seventy-Nine, along with Ninety-Seven are the only two two-digit numberblocks with their blocks being in ten different colors (the 7 colors of the rainbow and three shades of gray)


Eighty-Two is a Numberblock made of 82 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Two is double Forty-One. Since Forty-One is a centered square, or the sum of two successive squares, Eighty-Two can be two lots of that square pair (16+16+25+25). He can also be two stacking centered square Forty-Ones, or even a lengthened centered square! He is quite calm, since 82 is the atomic number of lead. He is like a guardian of Forty-One.

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Two will not rest until he proves Goldbach's conjecture. He has an interest in seeing how many ways numbers can be a sum of prime numbers. For example, he’s double 41. He’s also 53+29, and notice how 53 is the (8x2)th prime, while 29 is the (8+2)th prime. And since 41 is 2+3+5+7+11+13, 82 is 2+2+3+3+5+5+7+7+11+11+13+13, two copies of each of the first six primes!

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Two is a astronomer because she is the number of moons Saturn has, 53 of them discovered while 29 are not confirmed yet. Coincidently, 53 is the (8x2)th prime while 29 is the (8+2)th prime!

TSRITW's design of Eighty-Two is a self-proclaimed mage. Her tricks usually involve explosives, and yet they're perfectly safe. Her eyelashes are in the shape of the number 41, as she's 2×41. She can also be a little creepy sometimes.

DanvilleGeorge's design of Eighty-Two is a happy number. He's also a semiprime because he's a prime multiplied by another prime, being 2×41.

Giancarlo Lo Tito's design of Eighty-Two is a is a wrestler. Ric Flair is based on Camp WWE


Eighty-Three is a Numberblock made of 83 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Three is prime. She can be arranged into a beacon pyramid of three layers (32+52+72), and thus she loves minerals, especially bismuth crystals!

TSRITW's design of Eighty-Three is a medical doctor who specializes in stomachaches, because 83 is the atomic number of bismuth.

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Three is prime, and she thinks she’s very cute. She acts like she is on a constant sugar rush. She loves cats, anime, skirts, and wants everything to be pink. But most of all, she loves emoticons, and her personality is derived from a “:3” with wide eyes, “83”. She has a plush cat that she treats not only like a real person, but like a number between her and Eighty-Four.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Three is very hyperactive as if she was on a sugar rush. She loves cats, animes, pop music and has a crazy obsession on Octoblock. She also has a doll on her arm that not only treats it as a real person but as a Numberblock between her and Eighty-Four.

Mdos5's Eighty-Three is prime and loves to be very cute and beautiful. Her friend is 288, who also loves to be very cute and beautiful.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Eighty-Three is based off of JingzheChina's and TSRITW's, being a doctor who likes bismuth crystals. One of her coworkers is Thirty-Seven. She can also split into Nine, Twenty-Five, and Forty-Nine to make fun of Octonaughty!


Eighty-Four is a Numberblock made of 84 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Four is a rainbow, highly-composite rectangle. He can also be a 3D step squad, made of the first seven 2D step squads. His best friend is Forty-Eight, because they are both highly-composite rectangles, and their numberlings contain the same digits. He also loves disinfecting, because sodium hypochlorite disinfectant is also called "84 disinfectant"!

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Four loves roller skating, as she is 6x14, and Fourteen is a skater, while Six likes to roll the dice. She is the third ultra rectangle, and she is also 7x12.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Eighty-Four is a hyper rectangle who runs the EXTREME rollercoaster at the fun fair. Just how extreme is it, you ask? Well, go watch the first episode of Phineas and Ferb. She also likes roller skating.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Four is a lucky rectangle but she doesn't uses her rectangle rays unlike other multiples of Twelve, she instead uses her trusty roller skaters!

JiaGbon1234's Eighty-Four is a mega rectangle and also a tetrahedral number. She has a rainbow tetrahedron on her at all times. She is 7x12, so she is also lucky.

Dodeca D.'s Eighty-Four loves roller skating. He is 6x14 and Fourteen is a skater while Six likes to roll the dice. He is 7x12 and an ultra rectangle. He also loves harpoons and hepteracts.


Eighty-Five is a Numberblock made of 85 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Five is a fingerpainter, because he is five times Seventeen. He is also a centered square. He also introduces the Gray code --- his binary bits are alternating (1010101), which means he is all-1 in Gray code!

DanvilleGeorge's design of Eighty-Five loves finger painting because she's five lots of Seventeen. She wears a glove with paint on it. She's also (4×21) + 1 or 62 + 72 which makes her a centered square.

Dodeca D.'s Eighty-Five loves finger painting, as she's five lots of Seventeen. She's also the girlfriend of Ninety-Five and is a centered square, made up in two different ways!

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Five loves finger painting, as he is five lots of Seventeen. He is also a centered square, and can be two squares—in two ways!

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Five is a fingerpainter as she is a multiple of 17 and a hand has 5 fingers. She also loves ties.


Eighty-Six is a Numberblock made of 86 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Six is double Forty-Three. She sympathizes Forty-Three's experience very much, and is concerned about him. She even dresses herself as a monster (or a goat) like him. She tells Forty-Three that he can still do much things, e.g. when he add up her, they will become One Hundred and Twenty-Nine --- a centered octahedron, a truncated square, one more than a doubler, and triple Forty-Three!

TSRITW's design of Eighty-Six is a food critic whose leitmotif is metal music. His favorite phrase is "Take it off the menu!".

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Six is very grouchy and hates everything, and wants to get rid of anything, especially if it’s a food on a restaurant menu. This is because she is a slang term for “get rid of”, “cancel”, “reject”, “take off the menu”, etc. She is also double Forty-Three.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Six is very grouchy and cranky and wants to get rid of everything he hates. His personality is based on the fact that 86 is a slang.

Idkwhattodoyeet's design of Eighty-Six is a food critic who is radioactive. He also likes noble gas compounds and often says, “Remove it from the menu!”


Eighty-Seven is a Numberblock made of 87 blocks.

Fanmade designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Seven introduces intersection and union. He is triple Twenty-Nine, and when you take intersection or union between two clubs, you get a THIRD one. He first tried Odd Block Club and the Three's Club and took their intersection, and then discovered "Odd Three Club".

DanvilleGeorge's Eighty-Seven is triple Twenty-Nine. She has three copper orbs because she's copper's atomic number times three.

TSRITW's 1st design of Eighty-Seven is a vault guard, or at least, he used to be...

TSRITW's 2nd design of Eighty-Seven is a club guard. If you're not in the club, then you're not in the club.

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Seven always tries to get into clubs she's not in. She is triple Twenty-Nine. Once she got so mad at Fifty-Eight for not letting her into a club (which she's not in, by the way) that she bit him.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Seven always tries to get in clubs she isn't part of, often having to get kicked out by Fifty-Eight. She sometimes gets very angry at him that bites him. The clubs she is REALLY part of are: Odd Blocks, Three Club, Semiprime Club, the Heroic Eighties, the Seven-Enders and everyone's favorite: Made Of Ones!


Eighty-Eight is a Numberblock made of 88 blocks.

Fanmade designs

JingzheChina's Eighty-Eight is a referee for football quarterfinal (see JingzheChina's design of Forty-Four). In order to watch all the four matches simultaneously, she rather likes to fly over the fields, like a fairy --- her eight ten-blocks are like eight wings of a fairy. She is also a pianist --- when not flying, her arms will appear and play the piano.

DanvilleGeorge's Eighty-Eight loves to play the piano because they have 88 keys. He's really good at playing the piano.

TSRITW's Eighty-Eight is a pianist. He also likes seven-digit displays, and he's Forty-Four's best friend.

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Eight is a pianist, as pianos have 88 keys. He also likes constellations, as there are 88 of them, and he's eight Elevens.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Eight is a pianist who uses a electronic piano as his main instrument as he is the number of tiles in a piano. He also loves constellations.

DeltaMakesArt's Eighty-Eight is another pianist. With his 8 arms, he can play any song perfectly. He calls himself "football tournamen't" around Eleven and Twenty-Two to brag about not being a football master.

Giancarlo Lo Tito XXVVC's Eighty-Eight is a wrestler. He outfit Bret Hitman Hart TBA

MrQwerty12309’s Eighty-Eight is a music lover. She can light up her blocks to play the notes on them (Blanks are sharps and/or flats).

Idkwhattodoyeet’s Eighty-Eight is a pianist. She also likes radioluminescence because she’s the atomic number of radium.


Eighty-Nine is a Numberblock made of 89 blocks.

Fanmade designs

SpaceChina's Eight-Nine is one of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. And She's also a prime. She can make a butterfly like 131.

Dodeca D.'s Eighty-Nine loves, and introduces the Fibonacci sequence - Start with 1 and 1, then keep the sequence going by adding the last two numbers together to make bigger ones. Due to this, she teaches this to Thirty-Four, Fifty-Five and One Hundred and Forty-Four, and gives them Fibonacci club badges, showing them they are Fibonacci numbers. She's also the second to last sub-One Hundred number to be prime, and wears a spiral necklace and has spiral eyebrows to have a more “Fibonacci” look.

JingzheChina's Eighty-Nine is the most active member in Bunny Club. Although she is a prime number, she never lose her proudness of being Fibonacci number --- she even wears a pair of "bunny ears"! Her default arrangement is literally "Square 144" minus "Step-shaped 55", which tells that every Fibonacci number is the difference of its two neighbors.

TSRITW's Eighty-Nine is a rugby player who mastered the "eight nine move". He is also a Fibonacci number.

ThatGuy30722's Eighty-Nine introduces the Fibonacci sequence—start with 1 and 1, then keep the sequence going by adding the last two numbers together to make the next one. She is a prime number.

Fernandez0907's Eighty-Nine loves integer sequences. Her favorite sequence is where you start with two Ones and then following the sequences by adding the last two numbers together.

Idkwhattodoyeet's Eighty-Nine is proud of being a Fibonacci number. Her default arrangement is “Square 144 minus step shaped 55”. She even has bunny ears! Ninety-One is her mother, because they are the atomic numbers of actinium and protactinium.


Ninety-One is a Numberblock made of 91 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Ninety-One is 7x13. He is sometimes very lucky and sometimes very unlucky. When he is being a step squad, his thirteen-stepped plan can never finish, because in the last step, Thirteen will split when saying "Step Thirteen". However, he has found out that he is the count of points or lines of a projective plane PG(2,9), and he really loves it.

TSRITW's design of Ninety-One is the thirteenth triangle and the sum of the first six perfect squares. He's also 7×13, meaning he has neutral luck. He isn't always seen with a step mask on.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-One is Seven times Thirteen, giving him the powers of both lucky and unlucky, by splitting into a lucky team of Sevens or an unlucky team of Thirteens. He is rather devious and cunning, and at first glance, you wouldn’t even know he was composite! He’s even a step squad.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-One has bipolarity as a reference that he is an unlucky number times a lucky number. He is also a step squad.

Idkwhattodoyeet's Ninety-One, being the atomic number of protactinium, is Eighty-Nine’s mother. She’s an explorer and can be crazy/eccentric at times.


Ninety-Two is a Numberblock made of 92 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina and Plain's Ninety-Two is the founder of Cicada Club. Although she is a super rectangle, she can only arrange in very long rectangles. But she never mind that! She is happy of being 4x23. She like to play arrays with Twelve, although she is too cumbersome. She also likes to play in snow with Thirty-Two, and play card games with Fifty-Two. She is also interested in radioactive chemistry.

Dodeca D.'s Ninety-Two appears to rarely talk, but can think about some difficult problems the other Numberblocks might be having, then writes out on her body her solutions about how to overcome them. She's also double Forty-Six and the atomic number of Uranium, which brings a hidden side to her - She's actually a mad scientist who loves to play around with radioactive elements. She hides this side from everyone else, but only Ninety-Four knows about this because he helps her with her radioactive experiments.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Two is a scientist who experiments with radioactive elements, as she is the atomic number of Uranium.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Two is a mad scientist who works with radioactive materials. She is quadruple Twenty-Three.

Idkwhattodoyeet’s 92 is a scientist who likes radioactive materials. She often uses lead containers for them.


Ninety-Three is a Numberblock made of 93 blocks.

Fanmade Designs

JingzheChina's Ninety-Three is triple Thirty-One. He is fond of the sum of all the divisors of a numberblock, including him/herself, and finds that he can be the sum of all divisors of Fifty, and when he splits into three Thirty-Ones, one of them can be sum of divisors of Sixteen, another can be that of Twenty-Five, and the third can be... Thirty-One himself. Besides this, he thinks the round shape arrangement is comfortable for him, even this will scare Four.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Three loves birthday parties, as she is 3x31.

Dodeca D.'s Ninety-Three is triple Thirty-One and loves, and yes, LOVES birthday parties! She loves them so much that every three months she holds one for all Numberblocks to go to and have lots of fun. Her personality comes from a combination of Three and Thirty-One, as three loves to entertain and have fun while Thirty-One loves calanders.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Three is the first member of the Three Semiprimes, a trio of consecutive semiprimes who parody the Three Musketeers. He is triple Thirty-One.


Ninety-Four is a Numberblock made of 94 blocks.

Fan made designs

JingzheChina's Ninety-Four is double Forty-Seven. Since Forty-Seven stands for the pinky finger in Five Fingers Club, Ninety-Four also loves pink and is cute. She loves to make pinky promises, because she is "double pinky".

DanvilleGeorge's Ninety-Four is double Forty-Seven. He wears glasses made of silver because he's silver's atomic number times two.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Four is Ninety-Two's partner who always assist her with her experiments, as he is the atomic number of Plutonium.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Four is the second member of the Three Semiprimes. He is double Forty-Seven. He sometimes helps Ninety-Two with her radioactive experiments (cuz plutonium).

HeptaconBoi's Ninety-Four is double Forty-Seven, and he's the atomic number of Plutonium - once he was just a normal Numberblock, until he experienced a fatal experiment gone wrong that exposed him to plutonium radiation - this granted him special powers and turned him into the now known Radioactiveblock! With his new powers, he can split into two radioactive Forty-Sevens that help defeat trouble across Numberland!

DeltaMakesArt's Ninety-Four is a mad scientist, both as in a crazy scientist and an angry scientist. It has a robot arm for known reasons, most likely a radioactive slip-up. It also holds some sort of grudge against 118 for "stealing all the periodic table spotlight", for whatever reason.


Ninety-Five is a Numberblock made of 95 blocks.

Fan made designs

JingzheChina's Ninety-Five introduces probability, because an event whose probability is less than 5% is called "small probability event". She is confident that the probability of something is at least 95% and her petphrase is "I am 95% sure that ...". However, when she thought she was 95% sure to join the Five Fingers Club since she is 47x2+1, she got refused for she is not a prime.

Dodeca D.'s Ninety-Five is a racecar driver...I know, it's a slight bluesue. He is quintuple Nineteen and the boyfriend of Eighty-Five - you can often find a lot of symmetry in both of them.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Five loves going fast, but more based on traiditional kart races rather than rectangle rays. He is the number Lightning McQueen used on his logo. He loves competing against V.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Five is the third and last member of the Three Semiprimes. She is quintuple Nineteen. Of course, Ninety-Three to Ninety-Five aren't the only consecutive trio of semiprimes—there's also 33, 34, and 35, and 85, 86, and 87.

SpaceChina's Ninety-Five is 93 and 94's best friend.Because she and 93,94 are three Semiprimes.So she make a flag on top of 93,94,95.


Ninety-Six is a Numberblock made of 96 blocks.

Fanmade designs

JingzheChina and Plain's Ninety-Six is a highly composite rectangle. She is extremely extraverted and loves parties (just like Sixteen), and she is the founder of Twos and Threes Club. She is also a square with a hole---she is exactly four less than One Hundred! When One Hundred sneezes and launches a Four out, Ninety-Six is here. She is very active in Twos and Threes Club and Square with a Hole Club.

DanvilleGeorge's design of Ninety-Six is a super rectangle who loves to spin super fast. He is Sixty Nine's bigger brother.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Six is the fifth ultra rectangle. She loves the super rectangle “turn”, and keeps spinning round and round and getting dizzy. She is double Forty-Eight, and Eight times Twelve.

CloudyWithAChanceOfRainbows's Ninety-Six is a hyper rectangle who loves turning and spinning, and usually gets dizzy. Besides that, her personality is somewhat similar to 16's. She usually hangs out with 72, who treats her like his sister.

Dodeca D.'s Ninety-Six is eight times Twelve, or Double Forty-Eight, and the fifth ultra rectangle. He is a rather hyper and goofy Numberblock similar to twin primes Seventy-One and Seventy-Three, but loves the super rectangle "turn", and keeps spinning round and round and getting dizzy. Even his symmetrical numberling turns as well!

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Six loves spinning like a tornado with her rectangle rays, becoming very dizzy all the time.

TSRITW's 1st design of Ninety-Six is bitter and untouchable. Those who try to even lay a finger on him will lead him to change into another arrangement, usually a rectangle.

TSRITW's 2nd design of Ninety-Six may seem bitter and untouchable, but he's just another super-duper-uber-looper rectangle.

Velerio the itv master's Ninety-Six likes being him, just like his cousin, 23. When there is trouble, he becomes a helper rectangle to save the day.


Ninety-Seven is a Numberblock made of 97 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

JingzheChina and Plain's Ninety-Seven is the largest prime number under One Hundred. He is extraordinarily confident since he is the sum of two 4D-cubes (16+81). He often shouts altogether with Three since they are both egoist. Although he is not a truncated square number, he can arrange like an octagon. He is also an eight-pointed star number (centered hexadecagonal number).

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Seven is the leader of the primes, and their fight against the Terrible Twos and their division rays. He’s the largest prime before One Hundred.

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Seven is the leader of Prime Club, as he is the last prime before One Hundred.

TSRITW's design of Ninety-Seven is a happy football player (American football, to be precise). He's also the largest two-digit prime number.


Ninety-Eight is a Numberblock made of 98 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

Ramonthefunway's Ninety Eight is 7x14 and 14x7, She has rainbow hair bunches like Forty-Nine, When 7x14, first hair bunch (red) second hair bunch (orange) third hair bunch (yellow) fourth hair bunch (green) fifth hair bunch (cyan) sixth hair bunch (indigo) and seventh hair bunch (violet) When 14x7, first hair bunch (red) second hair bunch (orange) third hair bunch (yellow) fourth hair bunch (green) fifth hair bunch (cyan) sixth hair bunch (indigo) seventh hair bunch (violet) eighth hair bunch (pink) ninth hair bunch (light gray, gray, and dark gray) tenth hair bunch (white with dark red borders) eleventh hair bunch (white with dark red borders and red) twelfth hair bunch (white with dark red borders and orange) thirteenth hair bunch (white with dark red borders and yellow) and fourteenth hair bunch (white with dark red borders and green).

JingzheChina and Plain's Ninety-Eight is the lengthened version of Forty-Nine. She has rainbow hair bunches like Forty-Nine --- but two sets of them, on the front and the back respectively. The hair bunches disappears when she is not in 7x14 or 14x7 arrangement, just like Forty-Nine. She can make a rainbow rectangle! Unlike most super rectangles, she loves to wear socks instead of trousers.

ThatGuy30722's Ninety-Eight is a daredevil. She is 7x14 (and double Forty-Nine), giving her a second tier of luck—which she uses it to perform her stunts!

Fernandez0907's Ninety-Eight loves performing risky stunts as he is 7x14, giving him a new tier of luck that he approaches to do his stunts.

Dodeca D.'s Ninety-Eight is the last even number before One Hundred, and is a double lucky amount of Sevens. She is a biker that loves to ride her own rainbow coloured bike (Similar to how Fourteen is a skater as they're both double a lucky number) and when trouble comes, she splits off into two square Forty-Nines - she is twice a square number. If trouble further happens, they split further into fourteen Sevens to get them out of trouble. She also rivals Ninety-Five in races.

DanvilleGeorge's Ninety-Eight is a daredevil super rectangle who loves to pull off risky stunts because he's seven lots of Fourteen.

TSRITW's design of Ninety-Eight is a pilot who never crashes. She's also American and always uses Fahrenheit.

Twentyboxb's 98 likes to race other numbers and always wins, but another mutiple of 7 bigger then her wins, and she always loses against them.


One Hundred One is a Numberblock made of 101 blocks.

Fan made designs

JingzheChina's One Hundred and One is an abecedarian teacher who teaches the basics of everything. She also leads others to explore the world of three-digit numbers!

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and One is a professor who teaches the basics of everything. She is very inspired by students first beginning their journey of learning a subject. She also has dalmatians as pets.

Dodeca D.'s One Hundred and One has a revered version of Eleven's eyes. She likes to teach the basics of things, as 101 very frequently appears when teaching the basics.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and One is a professor who teaches others the basics of things.

Fernandez0907's One Hundred One is a professor who teaches the basics of varying topics to her students. She also loves dalmatians.


One Hundred Two is a Numberblock made of 102 blocks.

Fan made designs

JingzheChina's One Hundred and Two is a game illustrator. He loves to paint in three primary colors and three secondary colors. Being double Fifty-One, he also can make a catty-head arrangement like Fifty-One!

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Two is 6x17. He is a musical artist who raps like Six. He is a super-duper rectangle.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Two is One Hundred and One's assistant. He's also pretty noble.

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Two is a rapper because Six raps while Seventeen is an artist, making him a musical artist.


One Hundred Three is a Numberblock made of 103 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

JingzheChina's One Hundred and Three is a semi-skeleton, as he is half the number of bones in a human body. He is also a rectangle with spikes like Sixty-Seven, i.e. an odd super rectangle plus four. He wears a block-shaped skeleton skull in front. He has an evil alter-ego, who likes to kill creatures and turn them into skeletons.

DanvilleGeorge's design for 103 is skeleton themed prime. He's half of 206, which is the number of bones in a human body.

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Three appears to be half-skeleton, half-Numberblock, because he's half the number of bones in the human body. He is a prime number, and a twin prime with One Hundred and One.

Dodeca D.'s One Hundred and Three is half skeleton, since he's half the bones in a human body (206). One half of his face is skeleton-like, while the other half is a normal face. He acts similar to most old fanmade Thirty-Ones, scaring people for fun.

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Three loves Halloween. He wears a skull mask because he is half the number of bones of a human skeleton.


One Hundred Four is a compound Numberblock that is made of 104 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

JingzheChina's One Hundred and Four is 8x13 and she loves golden rectangles as well as the golden ratio very much. Since Eight and Thirteen are successive Fibonacci numbers, she is very approximate to a golden rectangle. She even displays a logarithmic spiral on her body, to show the property of a golden rectangle. When she is not in 8x13 or 13x8 arrangement, the logarithmic spiral disappears.

NumberblockFan8282's One-Hundred and Four is 4 x 26 which also means he is 8 x 13. If his name is said he splits into 4 twenty sixes then splits into 8 thirteens then says 13. 104 is also an agent. his main orrangement is 26 blocks tall and 4 blocks wide and his face is at he bottom. He is bigger than 98 making him the 3rd mega ractangle.

DanvilleGeorge's design for One Hundred and Four loves summer because there is 104 days of summer vacation. On his right eye, he has a sun motif made of 8 miniature thirteens. Some of the things he likes doing are going surfing, playing golf, and solving puzzles.

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Four is Eight times Thirteen. She tries to be a superhero like Eight, but it always ends in disaster due to the unlucky Thirteen in there. She always brings around two decks of cards thinking it’ll help (it doesn’t). She’s a super-duper rectangle, and…she keeps saying something about summer vacation?

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Four tries to be a superhero like Eight, but it often ends in disaster due to the unlucky Thirteen in there. He also loves summer vacation.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Four is a typist. He's also references Phineas and Ferb often.



One Hundred and Four only exists on More To Explore as a part of Ninety-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Four.

One Hundred and Ten is a Numberblock made of 110 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's is eleven Tens. She is the greatest footballer there ever was.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Ten is 11×10, and a pro at football/soccer.

crabbmc's One Hundred and Ten is a better footballer than her divided by ten counterpart, Eleven. Her main arrangement is 11x10.


One Hundred and Twenty is a Numberblock made of 120 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Twenty is twelve Tens. With 16 factors, even more than an ultra rectangle, she’s a hyper rectangle! She’s even a step squad.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Twenty is 12×10, and loves arrays and rectangles. She's also a superior highly composite number, and has a whopping sixteen factors.


One Hundred and Twenty-Three is a Numberblock made of 123 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Twenty-Three loves teaching children how to count. He is also triple Forty-One.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Twenty-Three is a preschool/elementary school teacher, but his lectures will never be boring because they are taught through puppet shows!

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Twenty-Three is a preschool teacher who teaches Numberblobs how to count since her Numberling are the first three numbers.


One Hundred and Twenty-Four is a Numberblock made of 124 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Twenty-Four is a car collector who especially likes sports cars. He is quadruple Thirty-One and a super rectangle. He’s one less than a cube, and so is the sum of his digits! He also really hates being touched—and he hates his cars being touched, too.

DanvilleGeorge's One Hundred Twenty Four is quadruple Thirty One. He makes ice cream sandwiches that come in 31 different flavors. He loves making them because most ice cream sandwiches are rectangle in shape.

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Twenty-Four is a car seller. He is based on Fiat 124, the fifth best-selling automotive.


One Hundred and Twenty-Five is a Numberblock made of 125 blocks.

Fan Made Designs

Fernandez0907's One Hundred Twenty-Five is a 5x5x5 cube. She is often confused with Twenty-Five.

ThatGuy30722's One Hundred and Twenty-Five is a 5x5x5 cube. He acts somewhat similar to Twenty-Five.



125 is the seventh cube number shown in the show, the first six being 1, 8, 27, 64, 1,000, and 1,000,000.

One Hundred and Thirty is a Numberblock made of 130 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's One hundred and Thirty is thirteen Tens. He has gotten used to his bad luck more than Thirteen has. His Thirty goes flying off anytime someone says “One Hundred and Thirty”.

TSRITW's design of One Hundred and Thirty is very unlucky, just like Thirteen. He also dislikes hexagons.


Nine Hundred and Ninety is a Numberblock made of 990 blocks.


  • Nine Hundred and Ninety is only seen for a short amount of time, before immediately turning into 999.

Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine is a Numberblock made of 999 blocks.

Fan made designs

ThatGuy30722's Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine has 3 eyes, and he's a police officer, because "999" is the emergency number in England (where numberblocks is from). He is also 27 lots of Thirty-Seven.



  • Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine is the biggest three digit number.
  • He is the first multiple of One-Hundred-Eleven (111) to appear, and the only one to do so.

Ninety-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Four is a Numberblock made of 97104 blocks. They first appeared in More To Explore and probably only in More To Explore, and are a compound Numberblock. They are also the biggest compound numberblock so far.

97104 has also become a meme on the LearningBlocks fandom for originating as Scratch projects which get so many views and remixes.

Fan made designs

Dodeca D.'s 97104 has a large teal helmet with rainbow flowers on it as well as One Hundred and Sixty-Eight's clock gear symbol. She also has square paint splats coloured like the multiples of 336, rainbow eyebrows and eyelashes, and light pink facial features. She is very rowdy and hyper and often forgets about her large size. She is, without doubt, the most powerful rectangle of them all! Because she has a total of 60 factors!

TSRITW's design of Ninety-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Four stays as compound: 97 scaled up by a factor of 10, and 104.

