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Character Gallery Quotes

"We have to get the E to stop!"Ones
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Ehh! I thought today would never end.

— E, Sleep

E is a character in Alphablocks.

E is voiced by David Holt.


He is a red stripy block with wide eyes. When he becomes "Magic E" his body becomes black, save for his eyes, and he wears a hat. There are two strings flying at the back of his head, and his vowel stripes are still visible.


He is seen to be well-known, friendly, loud at times, and smart, yet really goofy. He can also be joyous and ecstatic at times as shown in episodes like "Beep". He is also prone to hiding the fact he gets upset (not that well by the looks of it). And sometimes he'd tease his friends a little, as seen when agitates N in "Little Red N".

E is the busiest letter of the alphabet, to the point he feel unconscious once in the episode, "Bee" due to being overworked. He might also be lacking sleep because of this.

As Magic E however, he is shown to be more prone to crazy (and a bit devious) behaviour, like in the episode "Magic" when he keeps using magic to make the vowels say their names without them knowing. Or whenever he sneaks up on the other Alphablocks, but he is on good terms with everyone.

As Silent E, he seemingly loses the ability to speak or just the ability to make his sound. He seems to like making mischief similar to the Terrible Twos, but he has not actually made mischief onscreen. Description[]

E says e-e-e when he makes an echo: e!

E is full of energy and calls everyone with his big loudhailer, echoing e-e-e! Excuse me, everyone!

E is stripy because he's one of the five vowels: AEIOU.


  • "Of course I can see D, he's there!"
  • "Excellent!"

Episode Appearances[]

Total number of appearances: 53


  • E’s “long vowel” episode is Sleep.
  • As seen in Pen, E is ambidextrous, meaning he can write with both hands.
  • He is the loudest out of the Alphablocks, especially when he uses his speaker.
  • He is the first Alphablock to have an alter ego, the second is X.
  • In the phonetic dictionary he stands for Echo, which may explain his personality.
  • Even though he keeps saying words that start with "ex," X is almost never summoned.
    • Speaking of X, they are currently the only Alphablocks with a second form.
  • It is no secret that Magic E is E, but he maintains the out of sight transformation behaviour regardless. The reason is unknown.
  • Silent E has never actually been referred to as "Silent E", but in the episode Bee, he was referred to as "Brother E".
  • Not counting the intro, E is the first Learningblocks character to talk not saying the sound, as seen in the second episode, Bee.
  • In real life, E is the most common letter, which makes sense he would tire himself out, as shown in Bee and Sleep.
    • Despite that, he only appears in 52.53% of all episodes (including crossover episodes), which is a lot less than A and T.


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Magic E/Silent E[]

Magic E/Silent E is the Alter-Ego of E. Silent E wears a black striped suit, and he hardly says anything. Magic E is the same way, except he wears a black top hat, which shoots out a beam that is color-coded to the vowel Magic E bonds with.

Episode Appearances[]

Silent E[]

Magic E[]
