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"We have to get the Dots to stop!"Ones
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Four, guess.

"I don't think I've seen Dots before!"Four
This page is about the episode with the plural form. For the episode with the singular form, see Dot.

I'm guarding the world against things.

— Z

Dots is the sixth episode of the third series of Alphablocks. It is the 58th episode overall.


Z has left the others in charge while he has a nap, but before long disaster strikes and Alphaland needs colouring in again.


Z is marching in place. R, U, and N wonder what he's doing. Z says he's guarding the world against "things". They must stay alert, but Z falls asleep. R and U stand guard while N refuses. B bumps into them.

r-u-b, RUB!

Erasers erase Alphaland into a colouring-book styled world. B, R, and U wanted erasers to stop. T, O, S, and P appear to help.

s-t-o-p, STOP!

The erasers are gone but Alphaland is now colourless. They have to recolour the land before Z wakes up. P has an idea.

p-o-t-s, POTS!

Paint pots appear. R, U and B paint one part of Alphaland in handprints. a few steps away D is horrified by the accident when T and O come to help with S.

d-o-t-s, DOTS!

D, O and T decorate another part of Alphaland with sticky dots. C, A and N also want to help.

c-a-n-s, CANS!

C, A and N paint another part of Alphaland in spray paint. S then flies off with X and F and together they paint another part of Alphaland in splatter paint. Just as R, U and B finish painting Z wakes up! However he doesn't notice anything. He also doesn't notice anything about the dots or the cans. However S, F and X are not done when he comes and he catches them! Everyone gets nervous but Z actually loves the new makeover witch makes everyone relieved! Then he sees O's painting, only to *spot* that he missed a *spot* in his painting. And then the episode abruptly ends.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • Run (stealth word)
  • Rub
  • Stop
  • Pots
  • Dots
  • Can (stealth word)
  • Cans


  • Total words: 5
  • E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, Q, V, W, and Y are absent in this episode.
  • E and I are the only 2 vowels who did not appear in this episode.
  • No words are made with F, X, and Z.
  • O's painting refers to the Mona Lisa, created by the famous Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Z is possibly senile, considering he doesn’t seem to know the “things” are a normal occurrence.
  • On Netflix (before it was taken off on 2021), the episode is renamed to "Art".
  • F, S and X are possibly friends, given they had flying fun together in this episode.
  • This episode foreshadows Colourland. However, it's just Alphaland without any colour.



Alphablocks Series 3 - Dots
