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Character Fanmades

"We have to get the Colourblocks (characters) to stop!"Ones
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Four, guess.

"I don't think I've seen Colourblocks (characters) before!"Four
This page is about the characters. For the show, see Colourblocks (show).

The Colourblocks (RBOYLGCSBDIVPMPWLGDB) are the main characters of the show of the same name. Colourblocks are blocks that represent the concept of colours and have abilities related to the concept: in this case, colouring objects. There are currently 20 Colourblocks.


Each vibrant Colourblock personifies a colour, making it memorable and exciting for a child. As they explore around Colourland, the Colourblocks discover that they can add colour to it as they go and, by working together, they can create new colours and make new friends. Some of them were formed after being fallen from the sky, whereas some weren't.

When Colourblocks touch an uncoloured object with their fingers, they can colour them their correspondent colour; any creatures coloured will be brought to life, and as demonstrated in Silly Colouring, may give the object coloured unusual properties should the colour not fit them. Colourblocks can also recolour already coloured things, or give them a darker or lighter shade. If they touch an object at the same time, their colours will mix into the corresponding Colourblock they would create.

Occasionally, Colourblocks may touch each other and form a new Colourblock. However, not all Colourblocks are formed by touching each other.

Each Colourblock's personality inspired by things they are commonly found at, like Green being a nature lover because almost every plant in the world is or has green, or based on the feelings and symbols they bring when people seeing them, like Orange being energetic because that's how people see the colour orange. Their personalities can even be based on colours similar to them, like Cyan whose chill like Blue.


Each Colourblock has a unique shape, though Colourblocks who are similar to each other have similar shapes (Orange and Yellow). They each have two eyes, a mouth with stylized teeth, four-fingered arms and legs that can vary in thickness.

This is an exception to the achromatic Colourblocks, who have a completely different design. They are all shaped as ovoids, with eyes, and blobs for hands.


Food is commonly seen, but it mostly appears to be vegetarian. We know the Colourblocks are not vegan because they are occasionally seen drinking milkshakes, especially Pink as noted later. They also love pastries, possibly suggesting a species-wide sweet tooth. Pink loves strawberry milkshakes and Brown loves toast (seemingly whole wheat) with chocolate spread. The land is a colouring book and some aesthetics are paper-y and colourbook drawn, so sometimes the food can be classified as paper.

Powers and Abilities[]


This is their main trait. Colourblocks are able to colour (and recolour) items they see. If two (or more) Colourblocks colour something at the same time, their colours will mix. Colourblocks can either add more of their colour to modify the colour of something that has already been coloured (as first demonstrated by Black and White darkening and lightening colours, later being used by other Colourblocks to create in-between colours and by the Greys to dull colours), or colour over something that has already been coloured, fully changing the object's colour to their own.


If they wish, if multiple Colourblocks bump into each other, they can start a mixing segment and summon a Colourblock of their mixing result (Example: if Yellow bumps into Blue, they can mix Green and she will appear with them, like in Green Means Go.)

As seen in Return of the Sorting Express and Red's Recolouring Tour, Colourblocks can summon other Colourblocks without bumping into each other. (Indigo and Violet were summoned by Blue and Purple due to mixing on the wagon, despite Indigo and Violet not being behind the wagon, and Pink suddenly passing with his car after White and Red mixed.) This, of course, could simply be a coincidence.


Colourblocks can turn into a simple, faceless shape, normally when they bounce. In that state, they can bounce very high.



In general[]

  • These are the first Learningblock characters to:
    • Take on various different shapes by default. (Alphablocks can either be cubes, cuboids or arches and Numberblocks are all made out of cubes of the same size)
    • Not have symbols on their head to represent what they are. (Alphablocks have letters, while Numberblocks have Numberlings, while Colourblocks have their body colours to represent what colour they are)
    • Not have multiple copies of the same blocks appear in the same scenes.
    • Be unable to merge with each other. (Alphablocks merge to create digraphs or trigraphs, while Numberblocks merge together to create new Numberblocks)
      • In addition to this, they use this power very scarcely; typically, it is only done when they discover a new colour. The only time where they do it outside of that situation is during Little Red Riding Hood.
  • So far they have the least amount of characters out of the four Learningblock groups, at 20.
    • This beats the Alphablocks, who consist of 26 characters, and the Wonderblocks (including Do Blocks and Animals) at 21.
    • However, there will possibly be more, as the series goes on. For example, Numberblocks didn't have as much Numberblocks as Alphablocks until Series 4.
  • Achromatic Colourblocks, like Black, can add a partial amount of their colour on an already coloured to make a tint, shade, or tone.
  • Colourblocks can colour things without even touching them, as how Red coloured some decorations in a wreath in It's a Colourful Christmas and how Blue coloured a jellyfish in his episode.
  • They are the first Learningblocks characters to have actual fingers.
  • Currently, a fixed and regular total of 101 colours can be made in the show. This includes the primary and secondary hues of the RYB and CMYK colour models, the in-between tertiaries, and saturation and value (bright, light/pale, dark, and dull). And you can't forget the achromatic colours. That's 2 colour models × 6 hues × 2 for the bright hues and tertiaries × 4 special types + 5 achromatic colours, resulting in a set amount of 101.[4]
    • Of course, there can always be more. In fact, there is a near infinite amount of colours they can make. Colourblocks can add as much colour as they like and the different amounts to make a colour won't be the same (Yellow and Green making Lime is not the same as one Blue and two Yellows making the same colour). The same can be said for colours themselves across models. A "RYB green" won't be the same as a "CMYK green".
      • Four additional colours that can't be made with the Colourblocks are also seen: metallic colours gold and silver, the colourless colour (for uncoloured objects) and the rainbow gradient.
  • According to Colourblocks storyboards, "colour magic" used to work slightly differently: a Colourblock would point at something and zap it with colour, colouring it; as apposed to touching it.


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  1. Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Magenta, Pink, Sky Blue, Deep Blue, and Grey are boys.
  2. Red, Orange, Lime, Cyan, Green, Brown, and Black are girls.
  3. Dark Grey, Light Grey, and White's genders are unknown. Many assume they are genderless. Despite their being few sources hinting at a few on their genders, it can be arguable since the other Colourblocks never refer to them in the show.
  4. If you were to include the quarternaries (when the colourblocks add more of their colour), the number jumps to 197 (2 models × 6 hues × 4 for hues and tertiaries, and the two in-betweens of either colour × 4 special types + 5 achromatics). This number only applies to when a primary and anologous secondary colour mix to make an in-between and only when they do it only once.