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"We have to get the Card to stop!"Ones
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Card is the twentieth episode of the third series of Alphablocks. It is the 72nd episode overall.


It's talent night and A and R are trying to do some magic, but their card trick keeps going wrong.


The episode begins with H jumping 100 times in the Alphablocks Talent Show. For the next act, A appears, but she hasn't got an act.

h-a-t, HAT!

A hat with a wand appears. As she wonders what she can do with these, she waves the wand, making H and T disappear. A decides to do a magic act. She calls for an assistant. R come in and sticks with A, making digraph AR, who does a card trick. They pick N from the audience. N picks an ace heart card. AR hides it and calls for C, D, H, K, and P.

Is this your card?[]

Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.


  • CARP - AR brings out a carp, but it's not a card.
  • DARK - Everything turns dark.
  • HARD* - It's hard for N to see if it's his card because it’s so small.
  • HARK*- AR calls "hark" and listens for the card, but fails. N soon explains that AR find the card by sight, not sound.
  • HARP - AR brings out a harp, but it's not a card.
  • PARK* - AR brings out a park, but it's not a card.
  • CARD (star word) - AR brings out a five spade card, a two hearts card, and a three club card. But none of them are the card N picked. T wants to abandon the act, but AR has a better idea.

t-ar-t, TART!

A tart appears.

p-ar-t, PART!

Part of a tart.

j-ar, JAR!

Part of a tart in a jar.

c-ar, CAR!

The part of tart in a jar is now in a car! And that's just the start!

c-ar-t, CART!

The part of tart in a jar in a car is on a cart!

b-ar-n, BARN!

The part of tart in a jar in a car on a cart is on a barn.

f-ar, FAR!

The part of tart in the jar in the car on the cart on the barn is now far away on that star. With N's card! N is surprised to see that and everyone cheers.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • AR


  • Hat
  • Harp
  • Carp
  • Dark
  • Park (game only)
  • Hard (game only)
  • Hark (game only)
  • Card
  • Tart
  • Part
  • Jar
  • Car
  • Cart
  • Barn
  • Far


  • Total words: 12 (TV version), 15 (game version)
  • E, G, L, M, S, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are absent in this episode.
  • B, C, D, F, I, K, O, and P only say their sound in this episode.
  • No words are made with I and O.
  • This is the only time Q appears without U, and therefore, no words are made with her.
    • In addition, she has no solo lines. 
  • This episode has more of the same word, like Pen.