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"We have to get the Box to stop!"Ones
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Box is the nineteenth episode of the second series of Alphablocks. It is the 45th episode overall.


Alphablocks, a dressing-up box - it must be show time! B, O, and X discover a dressing-up box that is filled with everything they need to put on a performance of Sleeping Beauty, except for something to sleep on.


O and X are playing noughts-and-crosses/tic-tac-toe, and X wins. B wants to join in.

b-o-x, BOX!

A box appears. X opens it and inside are props. P pops in and decides to put on a play.

At the Alphablocks Players, the play is "Sleeping Beauty". P is the narrator and L plays as a princess. I is supposed to be a witch, but doesn't have a costume.

h-a-g, HAG!

I is now a witch. She pulls a trick on L with a wheel. L pricks her finger and starts to fall asleep, but she needs something to sleep on. Some Alphablocks come to help.

What will they do?[]

Words marked with an asterisk (*) are game-exclusive.


  • FED* - L as Snow White feeds the seven Alphablocks-styled dwarves.
  • LED* - A flute appears playing as the Pied Piper plays a cheery tune and leads W,B,T,R, and F offstage.
  • RED - L as Little Red Riding Hood meets a Big Bad Wolf.
  • TED - L as Goldilocks comes to a house where the Three Bears live.
  • WED* - L and an artificial cutout prince are wed and live happily ever after...almost.
  • BED (star word) - L lies down on a bed. In the audience, Z snores and N wakes him up. G grows prickly plants around the palace. Just then an extremely brave prince, X, comes to the rescue. He wakes up L by writing an X on his cheek... and they live happily ever after. E, D, I, T, R, F, W, and B appears. The cast comes in for a bow as the curtain closes.

Learning Objective[]

This episode has fun with a host of letters and teaches the ED word family with Red, Ted, and Bed.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • Ox (stealth word)
  • Box
  • Hag
  • Sun (stealth word)
  • Red
  • Ted
  • Wed (game only)
  • Fed (game only)
  • Led (game only)
  • Ped (nonsense word, game only)
  • Bed
  • Tried (stealth word)


  • Only 7 characters are absent in this episode. Those characters being C, J, K, M, Q, V, and Y.
  • B and F appear in the audience, but when they come to help L, they are not there as U, N, and Z are the only audience Alphablocks at this time. U is the only vowel in the audience.
  • F and W don't speak in the TV version.
    • However, F can be heard cheering with the other Alphablocks at the end.
  • No words are made with N, P, S, U, and Z.
  • H, A, and G don't appear in the curtain call.
  • The play's synopsis is similar to Grimm's classic fairy tale, as well as the 1959 film by Disney.

List of references to classic tales[]

  • Sleeping Beauty: The entire stage play is an adaptation of this classic story.
  • Rapunzel: The tower Rapunzel spends her life in appears in the box as a stage prop.
  • The Three Musketeers: H, A, and G all wear outfits resembling the titular Three Musketeers.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: After FED is spelled out, seven Alphablock-style dwarves are fed by L as Snow White.
  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin: After LED is spelled out, a flute leads the crew offstage before coming back by N's demand.
  • Little Red Riding Hood: After RED is spelled out, L (as the titular character) walks through a forest before coming across the Big Bad Wolf.
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears: After TED is spelled out, L (as goldilocks) comes across Papa Bear, questioning who ate his pooridge.

Nonsense Words[]


Stands for "performance-enhancing drug".
