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"We have to get the Book to stop!"Ones
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Better do something to put it back!

— B

Book is the eighteenth episode of the third series of Alphablocks. It is the 70th episode overall.


OO and friends discover a talking book, some missing words and a pile of letters - can they put the story of Little Red Riding Hood back together?


It's night-time, but B has trouble falling asleep and wishes to hear a bedtime story. O and K come to help. O doubles himself up.

b-oo-k, BOOK!

A huge book appears. When OO opens it, some letters fall out. B and K can use the letters to change into another Alphablock. The book, which talks, automatically turns to the first page, where it introduces a girl named "Little Red Riding ____". The last word of every page has gone missing, and it's up to the Alphablocks to put them back!

b-oo-d, BOOD!

It doesn't work. B changed into H.

H-oo-d, HOOD!

The word "Hood" appears on the page. On the next page, it shows that she is always...

c-oo-l, COOL!

The book somehow agrees with that word and turns to the next page, where it shows that she is walking to her grandmother's house on the other side of the deep, dark...

m-oo-n, MOON!

The book reminds them that "wood" might be better, but the Alphablocks decide to write their own version. On the next page, a sort of animal jumps out from behind a tree.

w-oo-f, WOOF!

It's supposed to be a wolf, but it turns out to be a dog, which the book calls a "woof", who is very big and very...

g-oo-d, GOOD!

So the Big Good Woof keeps Little Red Riding Hood safe as they walk to her grandmother's...

b-oo-t, BOOT!

Inside Little Red's Grandma's boot-shaped house, the Woof is very hungry, so he becomes a...

c-oo-k, COOK!

The Big Good Woof cooks up lots of delicious...

f-oo-d, FOOD!

The three of them eat together as the story ends. Then the book sees B, OO, and K snoozing.

Learning Objective[]

This episode introduces the '-oo-' digraph and the words book, Hood, cool, moon, woof, good, boot, cook and food.

Characters (in their order of appearance)[]


  • OO


  • OK (stealth word)
  • Book
  • Bood (nonsense word)
  • Hood
  • Cool
  • Moon
  • Woof
  • Good
  • Boot
  • Cook
  • Food


  • Total words: 9
  • C, G, L, N, and W only say their sound in this episode (although W does say "Woof?" after they spell out Woof).
  • All the letters from A to Z can be seen in the pile.
  • A, E, I, J, P, Q, R, S, U, V, X, Y and Z are only seen in the pile of letters.
  • H stays as a capital letter in this episode.
    • A lowercase H can be seen in a pile of letters.
  • O is the only vowel that appears in this episode.
  • The book mostly complains about wrong words, asking if they're sure on words like "Cool" and even suggesting on "Moon" "Wood".
  • This episode aired twice on Halloween 2013, with one instance being in the morning, and the other in the afternoon.
    • This episode also aired with the episode "The End" and the Numberblocks episode "Building Blocks" on Halloween 2018, making this episode the second episode so far to air during two consecutive Halloweens, with the first being "Bus", which aired on Halloween 2010 and 2011.
  • This is the last non-special episode to have a nonsense word.
  • The book's cover font is called Verdana, and the pages' text's font is called Arial Rounded, with a tweak made on the lowercase A.
  • This episode reveals that Alphablocks can change their letters (and without needing to open their caps at that).

Nonsense Words[]


  • The name of one of the 44 barangays of the municipality of Ubay, in the province of Bohol, Philippines.


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