Numberblocks Wiki

"We have to get the Birds to stop!"Ones
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Birds are creatures that regularly appear in all four Learningblocks shows. Their colours may differ. Red birds are the most common birds.


There are many different birds. The bird that appears in Jaybird is the titular bird, which is a white and blue bird with a grey beak. It is a 2D model. The bird that appears in Birthday Girl is red and yellow with a grey beak. It is also a 2D model.


In Jaybird, when the word 'jay' is spelt, J turns into a jaybird and sings a song about how she's a real jaybird and how she can fly.

Episode Appearances[]






"Let’s get building!"Ten
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This page was last edited on February 9, 2025 at 1:33 PM.

  • Go (1 yellow, 2 red)


  • The birds in Numberblocks will often sing to the tune of the song being played, like in Holes, Seventeen, One Hundred, Two Times Shoe Shop and many other episodes. Their colour also usually be the same as the Numberblock that matches the amount of them in a group, like the Numberblobs.



"I like it, but... where's the art?"Ten
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