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Alphalympics is the thirteenth episode of the first series of Alphablocks.
Three teams compete to find out who can make the most words at the Alpha games.
X is the announcer of the Alphalympics. One of 3 teams will win the Alpha Cup. Team 1 is A, E, M, S, and T.
s-ea-t, SEAT!
A chair appears.
s-a-t, SAT!
M sits down.
t-ea, TEA!
M drinks the tea.
s-e-t, SET!
The table is set.
ea-t, EAT!
M eats it all up.
s-ea, SEA!
The sea carries M away. Team 1's score is 6 words. Team 2 is J, Q, U, W, and Z.
q-w-j-z, QWJZ!
w-q-z-j, WQZJ!
U does nothing and neither word works. Team 3 is D, H, O, P, and R. The score to beat is 6.
r-o-d, ROD!
H has a rod.
p-o-d, POD!
H fishes a pea pod.
p-r-o-d, PROD!
A hand prods H.
d-r-o-p, DROP!
H drops the pod along with the rod. O doubles himself.
d-r-oo-p, DROOP!
H starts to droop.
d-oor, DOOR!
A wooden door appears. H opens it. That's 6 words, as they have one more word to beat the first team.
p-o-p, POP!
H pops (in the same manner as P), as team 3 wins and the episode ends.
Characters (in their order of appearance)[]
- C (No Lines)
- G (No Lines)
- V (No Lines)
- Y (No Lines)
- N (No Lines)
- L (No Lines)
- K
- B
- F
- I
- X
- T
- E
- A
- M
- S
- U
- Q
- W
- J
- Z
- H
- D
- R
- P
- O
Digraphs / Trigraphs[]
- EA
- OO
- Team (stealth word)
- Seat
- Sat
- Tea
- Set
- Eat
- Sea
- Qwjz (nonsense word)
- Wqzj (nonsense word)
- Rod
- Pod
- Prod
- Drop
- Droop
- Door
- Pop
- Teams (stealth word)
- Win (stealth word)
- Word count: 13
- Fan members are B, C, F, G, I, K, L, N, V, and Y. I is the only vowel in the audience, not counting semivowel Y.
- This is the only appearance of trigraph OOR and the first appearance of digraph EA.
- This episode and Win suggest that X is normally a sports announcer when he’s not being a superhero. However, he seems to be a superhero 24/7, so it’s possible that being an announcer is just a hobby.
- POD is the first word in this episode to have a P. But when it's sounded out, P says "pa". For the rest of the words with P (PROD, DROP, DROOP, POP), P says an unvoiced "ppp".
- According to wordunscrambler.me, the SEAT team can make up to 28 words, while the PROD team can only make up to 12. That means if PROD didn't make copies, SEAT could and would win.
- This marks the only time Z makes nonsense words.
- The team consisting of T, E, A, M and S returns in The Blocks v Blocks Games.
- This episode's title is an obvious reference to the Olympics and Paralympics.
- When X says "That's six!", H's mouth moves.
- For unknown reasons, this episode is not on BBC iPlayer.
Nonsense Words[]
- QWJZ and WQZJ - Both are literal gibberish words.